Hylas, a youth detained by nymphs of spring where he sought water
Hymen, the god of marriage, imagined as a handsome youth and invoked in bridal songs
Hymettus, mountain in Attica, near Athens, celebrated for its marble and its honey
Hyperboreans, people of the far North
Hyperion, a Titan, son of Uranus and Ge, and
father of Helios,
Selene, and Eos, cattle of,
Hyrcania, Prince of, betrothed to Clarimunda
Hyrieus, king in Greece,
Iapetus, a Titan, son of Uranus and Ge, and father
of Atlas,
Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius,
Iasius, father of Atalanta
Ibycus, a poet, story of, and the cranes
Icaria, island of the Aegean Sea, one of the Sporades
Icarius, Spartan prince, father of Penelope
Icarus, son of Daedalus, he flew too near the sun with artificial wings, and, the wax melting, he fell into the sea
Icelos, attendant of Morpheus
Icolumkill see Iona
Ida, Mount, a Trojan hill
Idaeus, a Trojan herald
Idas, son of Aphareus and Arene, and brother of Lynceus Idu’na, wife of Bragi
Igerne, wife of Gorlois, and mother, by Uther, of Arthur
Iliad, epic poem of the Trojan War, by Homer
Ilioheus, a son of Niobe
Ilium see Troy
Illyria, Adriatic countries north of Greece
Imogen, daughter of Pandrasus, wife of Trojan Brutus
Inachus, son of Oceanus and Tethys, and father of Phoroneus and Io, also first king of Argos, and said to have given his name to the river Inachus
Incubus, an evil spirit, supposed to lie upon persons in their sleep
Indra, Hindu god of heaven, thunder, lightning, storm and rain
Ino, wife of Athamas, fleeing from whom with infant son she sprang into the sea and was changed to Leucothea
Io, changed to a heifer by Jupiter
Iobates, King of Lycia
Iolaus, servant of Hercules
Iole, sister of Dryope
Iona, or Icolmkill, a small northern island near
Scotland, where
St Columba founded a missionary monastery (563 ad)
Ionia, coast of Asia Minor
Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon, offered as a sacrifice but carried away by Diana
Iphis, died for love of Anaxarete, 78
IPHITAS, friend of Hercules, killed by him
Iris, goddess of the rainbow, messenger of Juno and Zeus
Ironside, Arthur’s knight
Isabella, daughter of king of Galicia
Isis, wife of Osiris, described as the giver of death