Legends of Charlemagne eBook

Thomas Bulfinch
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about Legends of Charlemagne.

Legends of Charlemagne eBook

Thomas Bulfinch
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about Legends of Charlemagne.

Sylvanus, Latin divinity identified with Pan

SYMPLEGADES, floating rocks passed by the Argonauts

Syrinx, nymph, pursued by Pan, but escaping by being changed to a bunch of reeds (See Pandean pipes)


Tacitus, Roman historian

TAENARUS, Greek entrance to lower regions

Tagus, river in Spain and Portugal

Taliesin, Welsh bard

TANAIS, ancient name of river Don

Tantalus, wicked king, punished in Hades by standing in water that retired when he would drink, under fruit trees that withdrew when he would eat

TARCHON, Etruscan chief

Tarentum, Italian city

Tarpeian rock, in Rome, from which condemned criminals were hurled

TARQUINS, a ruling family in early Roman legend

TAURIS, Grecian city, site of temple of Diana (See Iphigenia)

Taurus, a mountain

Tartarus, place of confinement of Titans, etc, originally a black abyss below Hades later, represented as place where the wicked were punished, and sometimes the name used as synonymous with Hades

TEIRTU, the harp of

Telamon, Greek hero and adventurer, father of Ajax

Telemachus, son of Ulysses and Penelope

Tellus, another name for Rhea

Tenedos, an island in Aegean Sea

Terminus, Roman divinity presiding over boundaries and frontiers

Terpsichore, Muse of dancing

Terra, goddess of the earth

Tethys, goddess of the sea

Teucer, ancient king of the Trojans

Thalia, one of the three Graces

THAMYRIS, Thracian bard, who challenged the Muses to competition in singing, and, defeated, was blinded

THAUKT, Loki disguised as a hag

Thebes, city founded by Cadmus and capital of Boeotia

Themis, female Titan, law counsellor of Jove

Theodora, sister of Prince Leo

Theron, one of Diana’s dogs

Thersites, a brawler, killed by Achilles

THESCELUS, foe of Perseus, turned to stone by sight of Gorgon’s head

THESEUM, Athenian temple in honor of Theseus

Theseus, son of Aegeus and Aethra, King of Athens, a great hero of many adventures


Thestius, father of Althea

Thetis, mother of Achilles

Thialfi, Thor’s servant

THIS’BE, Babylonian maiden beloved by Pyramus

Thor, the thunderer, of Norse mythology, most popular of the gods


THRINA’KIA, island pasturing Hyperion’s cattle, where Ulysses landed, but, his men killing some cattle for food, their ship was wrecked by lightning

Project Gutenberg
Legends of Charlemagne from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.