Metanira, a mother, kind to Ceres seeking Proserpine
Metempsychosis, transmigration of souls—rebirth of dying men and women in forms of animals or human beings
Metis, Prudence, a spouse of Jupiter
Mezentius, a brave but cruel soldier, opposing Aeneas in Italy
Midgard, the middle world of the Norsemen
Midgard serpent, a sea monster, child of Loki
Milky way, starred path across the sky, believed to be road to palace of the gods
Milo, a great athlete
MLON, father of Orlando
Milton, John, great English poet, whose History of England is here largely used
Mime, one of the chief dwarfs of ancient German mythology
Minerva (Athene), daughter of Jupiter, patroness of health, learning, and wisdom
Minos, King of Crete
Mino TAUR, monster killed by Theseus
Mistletoe, fatal to Baldur
Mnemosyne, one of the Muses
Modesty, statue to
Modred, nephew of King Arthur
Moly, plant, powerful against sorcery
Momus, a deity whose delight was to jeer bitterly at gods and men
Monad, the “unit” of Pythagoras
Monsters, unnatural beings, evilly disposed to men
Montalban, Rinaldo’s castle
Month, the, attendant upon the Sun
Moon, goddess of, see Diana
MORAUNT, knight, an Irish champion
Morgana, enchantress, the Lady of the Lake in “Orlando Furioso,” same as Morgane Le Fay in tales of Arthur
Morgane Le Fay, Queen of Norway, King Arthur’s sister, an enchantress
Morgan TUD, Arthur’s chief physician
Morpheus, son of Sleep and god of dreams
MORTE D’ARTHUr, romance, by Sir Thomas Mallory
Mulciber, Latin name of Vulcan
Mull, Island of
Munin, one of Odin’s two ravens
Musaeus, sacred poet, son of Orpheus
Muses, The, nine goddesses presiding over poetry, etc—Calliope, epic poetry, Clio, history, Erato, love poetry, Euterpe, lyric poetry; Melpomene, tragedy, Polyhymnia, oratory and sacred song Terpsichore, choral song and dance, Thalia, comedy and idyls, Urania, astronomy
Muspelheim, the fire world of the Norsemen
MYCENAS, ancient Grecian city, of which Agamemnon was king
MYRDDIN (Merlin)
Myrmidons, bold soldiers of Achilles
Mysia, Greek district on northwest coast of Asia Minor
Mythology, origin of, collected myths, describing gods of early peoples