Galusha the Magnificent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 576 pages of information about Galusha the Magnificent.

Galusha the Magnificent eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 576 pages of information about Galusha the Magnificent.

She was by no means the only one who was asking that question.  Three days later Captain Jethro asked Galusha the same thing.  They met in the lane leading to the village and the light keeper approached the subject without preamble.

“Say, Mr. Bangs,” he demanded, “what’s Raish Pulcifer cal’late he’s doin’?”

Galusha smiled.  “I thank you for the compliment, Captain Hallett,” he said, “but my intuition cannot keep pace with Mr. Pulcifer’s—­ ah—­calculations.  No, indeed.”

Jethro pulled his beard.  “I asked you,” he said, solemnly, “what Raish Pulcifer cal’lated he was doin’ buyin’ up Development stock?  Do you know?”

“No.  Is he buying it?”

“If you ain’t heard that he is, you’re about the only one in East Wellmouth.  Ain’t you heard it?”

Galusha would have liked to change the subject, but with Jethro Hallett that was not an easy task, as he knew from experience.  He did not immediately make the attempt.

“Why—­ah—­yes,” he admitted.  “I have heard that he has bought—­ah—­ some.”

“Um-hm.  Who told you; Martha?”

“Why—­why—­really, Captain, I don’t know that I ought—­ You’ll pardon me, but—­”

“Been tryin’ to buy Martha’s, has he?”

Galusha sighed.  “Have you noticed,” he suggested, “what a remarkable view one gets from this point?  The village and the bay in front, and, in the rear, the—­ah—­light and the—­ah—­rest.  Quite remarkable, don’t you think so, Captain?”

Captain Jethro looked gravely at the view.

“Raish been to see Martha about buyin’ her stock, has he?” he asked.

Galusha rubbed his chin.  “I have often wondered,” he said, “why no summer cottage has been built just here.  The spot would seem to possess very marked advantages.  Very—­ah—­very much so.”

The light keeper cleared his throat.  “Zach said he see Raish comin’ out of your gate t’other day,” he said.  “Been to see Martha about her shares then, had he?”

“The—­ah—­proximity to the main road is an advantage in particular,” Galusha continued.  “One would be near it and yet, so to speak, secluded from it.  Really, a very exceptional spot, Captain Hallett.”

Captain Jethro stroked his beard, frowned, and gazed steadily at the face of the little archaeologist.  Galusha gazed serenely and with a pleased interest at the view.  After a moment the light keeper said:  “He’s been after mine, too.”

“Eh? . . .  Oh, indeed?  You mean—­”

“I mean Raish Pulcifer’s been tryin’ to buy my Development stock same as he has Martha’s.  Hey?  What say?”

“I said nothing, Captain.  Not a word, really”

Project Gutenberg
Galusha the Magnificent from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.