The Only True Mother Goose Melodies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Only True Mother Goose Melodies.

The Only True Mother Goose Melodies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Only True Mother Goose Melodies.

’Twas once upon a time, when Jenny Wren was young,
So daintily she danced and so prettily she sung,
Robin Redbreast lost his heart, for he was a gallant bird;
So he doffed his hat to Jenny Wren, requesting to be heard.

O, dearest Jenny Wren, if you will but be mine,
You shall feed on cherry-pie and drink new currant wine,
I’ll dress you like a goldfinch or any peacock gay;
So, dearest Jen, if you’ll be mine, let us appoint the day.

Jenny blushed behind her fan and thus declared her mind: 
Since, dearest Bob, I love you well, I take your offer kind;
Cherry-pie is very nice and so is currant wine,
But I must wear my plain brown gown and never go too fine.

Cushy Cow bonny, let down your milk,
And I will give you a gown of silk,
  A gown of silk and a silver tee,
  If you’ll let down your milk to me.

There were two blind men went to see
  Two cripples run a race,
The bull did fight the humblebee
  And scratched him in the face.

Fa, Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum! 
I smell the blood of an Englishman. 
Be he live or be he dead,
I’ll grind his bones to make me bread.

Richard and Robin were two pretty men;
They laid abed till the clock struck ten;
Robin starts up and looks at the sky,
Oh ho! brother Richard, the sun’s very high,
Do you go before with the bottle and bag,
And I’ll follow after on little Jack Nag.

Round about, round about,
   Gooseberry Pie,
My father loves good ale,
   And so do I.

We’ll go to the wood, says Richard to Robin,
We’ll go to the wood, says Robin to Bobin,
We’ll go to the wood, says John all alone,
We’ll go to the wood, says every one.

What to do there? says Richard to Robin,
What to do there? says Robin to Bobin,
What to do there? says John all alone,
What to do there? says every one.

We’ll shoot at a wren, says Richard to Robin,
We’ll shoot at a wren, says Robin to Bobin,
We’ll shoot at a wren, says John all alone,
We’ll shoot at a wren, says every one.

Then pounce, then pounce, says Richard to Robin,
Then pounce, then pounce, says Robin to Bobin,
Then pounce, then pounce, says John all alone,
Then pounce, then pounce, says every one.

She’s dead, she’s dead, says Richard to Robin,
She’s dead, she’s dead, says Robin to Bobin,
She’s dead, she’s dead, says John all alone,
She’s dead, she’s dead, says every one.

How get her home? says Richard to Robin,
How get her home? says Robin to Bobin,
How get her home? says John all alone,
How get her home? says every one.

In a cart and six horses, says Richard to Robin,
In a cart and six horses, says Robin to Bobin,
In a cart and six horses, says John all alone,
In a cart and six horses, says every one.

How shall we dress her? says Richard to Robin,
How shall we dress her? says Robin to Bobin,
How shall we dress her? says John all alone,
How shall we dress her? says every one.

Project Gutenberg
The Only True Mother Goose Melodies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.