History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,620 pages of information about History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609).

History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,620 pages of information about History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609).

But Leicester had made it unpopular.  His intrigues, in the name of democracy, to obtain possession of sovereign power, to inflame the lower classes against the municipal magistracies, and to excite the clergy to claim a political influence to which they were not entitled and which was most mischievous in its effects, had exposed the state council, with which he had been in the habit of consulting, to suspicion.

The Queen of England, by virtue of her treaty had the right to appoint two of her subjects to be members of the council.  The governor of her auxiliary forces was also entitled to a seat there.  Since the malpractices of Leicester and the danger to which the country had been, subjected in consequence had been discovered, it was impossible that there should be very kindly feeling toward England in the public mind, however necessary a sincere alliance between the two countries was known to be for the welfare of both.

The bickering of the two English councillors, Wilkes and Bodley, and of the governor of the English contingent with the Hollanders, was incessant.  The Englishmen went so far as to claim the right of veto upon all measures passed by the council, but the States-General indignantly replied that the matters deliberated and decided upon by that board were their own affairs, not the state affairs of England.  The two members and the military officer who together represented her Majesty were entitled to participate in the deliberations and to vote with their brother members.  For them to claim the right, however, at will to annul the proceedings was an intolerable assumption, and could not be listened to for a moment.  Certainly it would have been strange had two Dutchmen undertaken to veto every measure passed by the Queen’s council at Richmond or Windsor, and it was difficult to say on what article of the contract this extraordinary privilege was claimed by Englishmen at the Hague.

Another cause of quarrel was the inability of the Englishmen to understand the language in which the debates of the state council were held.

According to a custom not entirely unexampled in parliamentary history the members of assembly and council made use of their native tongue in discussing the state affairs of their native land.  It was however considered a grievance by the two English members that the Dutchmen should speak Dutch, and it was demanded in the Queen’s name that they should employ some other language which a foreigner could more easily understand.

The Hollanders however refused this request, not believing that in a reversed case her Majesty’s Council or Houses of Parliament would be likely or competent to carry on their discussions habitually in Italian or Latin for the benefit of a couple of strangers who might not be familiar with English.  The more natural remedy would have been for the foreigners to take lessons in the tongue of the country, or to seek for an interpreter among their colleagues; especially as the States, when all the Netherlands were but provinces, had steadily refused to adopt any language but their mother tongue, even at the demand of their sovereign prince.

Project Gutenberg
History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.