History of the United Netherlands, 1590-92 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 81 pages of information about History of the United Netherlands, 1590-92.

History of the United Netherlands, 1590-92 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 81 pages of information about History of the United Netherlands, 1590-92.

Verdugo, a veteran officer of Portuguese birth, who had risen from the position of hostler to that of colonel and royal stadholder, commanded in Friesland.  He had in vain demanded reinforcements and supplies from Farnese, who most reluctantly was obliged to refuse them in order that he might obey his master’s commands to neglect everything for the sake of the campaign in France.

And Verdugo, stripped of all adequate forces to protect his important province, was equally destitute of means for feeding the troops that were left to him.  “I hope to God that I may do my duty to the king and your Highness,” he cried, “but I find myself sold up and pledged to such an extent that I am poorer than when I was a soldier at four crowns a month.  And everybody in the town is as desperate as myself.”

Maurice, after making a feint of attacking Gertruydenberg and Bois le Duc, so that Farnese felt compelled, with considerable difficulty, to strengthen the garrison of those places, came unexpectedly to Arnhem with a force of nine thousand foot and sixteen hundred horse.  He had previously and with great secrecy sent some companies of infantry under Sir Francis Vere to Doesburg.

On the 23rd May (1591) five peasants and six peasant women made their appearance at dawn of day before the chief guard-house of the great fort in the Badmeadow (Vel-uwe), opposite Zutphen, on the west side of the Yssel.  It was not an unusual occurrence.  These boors and their wives had brought baskets of eggs, butter, and cheese, for the garrison, and they now set themselves quietly down on the ground before the gate, waiting for the soldiers of the garrison to come out and traffic with them for their supplies.  Very soon several of the guard made their appearance, and began to chaffer with the peasants, when suddenly one of the women plucked a pistol from under her petticoats and shot dead the soldier who was cheapening her eggs.  The rest of the party, transformed in an instant from boors to soldiers, then sprang upon the rest of the guard, overpowered and bound them, and took possession of the gate.  A considerable force, which had been placed in ambush by Prince Maurice near the spot, now rushed forward, and in a few minutes the great fort of Zutphen was mastered by the States’ forces without loss of a man.  It was a neat and perfectly successful stratagem.

Next day Maurice began the regular investment of the city.  On the 26th, Count Lewis William arrived with some Frisian companies.  On the 27th, Maurice threw a bridge of boats from the Badmeadow side, across the river to the Weert before the city.  On the 28th he had got batteries, mounting thirty-two guns, into position, commanding the place at three points.  On the 30th the town capitulated.  Thus within exactly one week from the firing of the pistol shot by the supposed butterwoman, this fort and town, which had so long resisted the efforts of the States, and were such important possessions of the Spaniards,

Project Gutenberg
History of the United Netherlands, 1590-92 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.