History of the United Netherlands, 1590a eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 54 pages of information about History of the United Netherlands, 1590a.

History of the United Netherlands, 1590a eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 54 pages of information about History of the United Netherlands, 1590a.

Moreover, there were symptoms that the military discipline, learning and practical skill, which had almost made Spain the mistress of the world, were sinking into decay.  Farnese, although still in the prime of life, was broken in health, and there seemed no one fit to take the place of himself and his lieutenants when they should be removed from the scene where they had played. their parts so consummately.  The army of the Netherlands was still to be created.  Thus far the contest had been mainly carried on by domestic militia and foreign volunteers or hirelings.  The train-bands of the cities were aided in their struggles against Spanish pikemen and artillerists, Italian and Albanian cavalry by the German riders, whom every little potentate was anxious to sell to either combatant according to the highest bid, and by English mercenaries, whom the love of adventure or the hope of plunder sent forth under such well-seasoned captains as Williams and Morgan, Vere and the Norrises, Baskerville and Willoughby.

But a Dutch army there was none and Maurice had determined that at last a national force should be created.  In this enterprise he was aided and guided by his cousin Lewis William, Stadtholder of Friesland—­the quaint, rugged little hero, young in years but almost a veteran in the wars of freedom, who was as genial and intellectual in council as he was reckless and impulsive in the field.

Lewis William had felt that the old military art was dying out and that—­ there was nothing to take its place.  He was a diligent student of antiquity.  He had revived in the swamps of Friesland the old manoeuvres, the quickness of wheeling, the strengthening, without breaking ranks or columns, by which the ancient Romans had performed so much excellent work in their day, and which seemed to have passed entirely into oblivion.  Old colonels and rittmasters, who had never heard of Leo the Thracian nor the Macedonian phalanx, smiled and shrugged their shoulders, as they listened to the questions of the young count, or gazed with profound astonishment at the eccentric evolutions to which he was accustoming his troops.  From the heights of superior wisdom they looked down with pity upon these innovations on the good old battle order.  They were accustomed to great solid squares of troops wheeling in one way, steadily, deliberately, all together, by one impulse and as one man.  It was true that in narrow fields, and when the enemy was pressing, such stately evolutions often became impossible or ensured defeat; but when the little Stadtholder drilled his soldiers in small bodies of various shapes, teaching them to turn, advance; retreat; wheel in a variety of ways, sometimes in considerable masses, sometimes man by man, sending the foremost suddenly to the rear, or bringing the hindmost ranks to the front, and began to attempt all this in narrow fields as well as in wide ones, and when the enemy was in sight, men stood aghast at his want of reverence, or laughed at him as a pedant.  But there came a day when they did not laugh, neither friends nor enemies.  Meantime the two cousins, who directed all the military operations in the provinces, understood each other thoroughly and proceeded to perfect their new system, to be adopted at a later period by all civilized nations.

Project Gutenberg
History of the United Netherlands, 1590a from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.