History of the United Netherlands, 1586-89 — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 626 pages of information about History of the United Netherlands, 1586-89 — Complete.

History of the United Netherlands, 1586-89 — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 626 pages of information about History of the United Netherlands, 1586-89 — Complete.

The mercenaries who had so recently been, making their inglorious campaign in France had been excluded from that country at the close of 1587, and furious were the denunciations of the pulpits and the populace of Paris that the foreign brigands who had been devastating the soil of France, and attempting to oppose the decrees of the Holy Father of Rome, should; have made their escape so easily.  Rabid Lincestre and other priests and monks foamed with rage, as they execrated and anathematized the devil-worshipper Henry of Valois, in all the churches of that monarch’s capital.  The Spanish ducats were flying about, more profusely than ever, among the butchers and porters, and fishwomen, of the great city; and Madam League paraded herself in the day-light with still increasing insolence.  There was scarcely a pretence at recognition of any authority, save that of Philip and Sixtus.  France had become a wilderness—­an uncultivated, barbarous province of Spain.  Mucio—­Guise had been secretly to Rome, had held interviews with the Pope and cardinals, and had come back with a sword presented by his Holiness, its hilt adorned with jewels, and its blade engraved with tongues of fire.  And with this flaming sword the avenging messenger of the holy father was to smite the wicked, and to drive them into outer darkness.

And there had been fresh conferences among the chiefs of the sacred League within the Lorraine territory, and it was resolved to require of the Valois an immediate extermination of heresy and heretics throughout the kingdom, the publication of the Council of Trent, and the formal establishment of the Holy Inquisition in every province of France.  Thus, while doing his Spanish master’s bidding, the great Lieutenant of the league might, if he was adroit enough, to outwit Philip, ultimately carve out a throne for himself.

Yet Philip felt occasional pangs of uneasiness lest there should, after all, be peace in France, and lest his schemes against Holland and England might be interfered with from that quarter.  Even Farnese, nearer the scene, could, not feel completely secure that a sudden reconciliation among contending factions might not give rise to a dangerous inroad across the Flemish border.  So Guise was plied more vigourously than ever by the Duke with advice and encouragement, and assisted with such Walloon carabineers as could be spared, while large subsidies and larger promises came from Philip, whose prudent policy was never to pay excessive sums, until the work contracted for was done.  “Mucio must do the job long since agreed upon,” said Philip to Farnese, “and you and Mendoza must see that he prevents the King of France from troubling me in my enterprize against England.”  If the unlucky Henry III. had retained one spark of intelligence, he would have seen that his only chance of rescue lay in the arm of the Bearnese, and in an honest alliance with England.  Yet so strong was his love for the monks, who were

Project Gutenberg
History of the United Netherlands, 1586-89 — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.