Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Complete (1574-84) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 687 pages of information about Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Complete (1574-84).

Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Complete (1574-84) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 687 pages of information about Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Complete (1574-84).
and during his confinement had dissipated a large part of his fortune.  In 1574, after the violation of the Ghent treaty, he had returned to, his piratical pursuits, and having prospered again as rapidly as he had done during his former cruises, had been glad to exchange the ocean for more honorable service on shore.  The result was the tragic yet almost ludicrous termination which we have narrated.  He left a handsome property, the result of his various piracies, or, according to the usual euphemism, prizes.  He often expressed regret at the number of traders whom he had cast into the sea, complaining, in particular, of one victim whom he had thrown overboard, who would never sink, but who for years long ever floated in his wake, and stared him in the face whenever he looked over his vessel’s side.  A gambler, a profligate, a pirate, he had yet rendered service to the cause of freedom, and his name—­sullying the purer and nobler ones of other founders of the commonwealth—­“is enrolled in the capitol.”

Count Philip Hohenlo, upon whom now, devolved the, entire responsibility of the Groningen siege and of the Friesland operations, was only a few degrees superior to this northern corsair.  A noble of high degree, nearly connected with the Nassau family, sprung of the best blood in Germany, handsome and dignified in appearance, he was, in reality only a debauchee and a drunkard.  Personal bravery was his main qualification for a general; a virtue which he shared with many of his meanest soldiers.  He had never learned the art of war, nor had he the least ambition to acquire it.  Devoted to his pleasures, he depraved those under his command, and injured the cause for which he was contending.  Nothing but defeat and disgrace were expected by the purer patriots from such guidance.  “The benediction of God,” wrote Albada, “cannot be hoped for under this chieftain, who by life and manners is fitter to drive swine than to govern pious and honorable men.”

The event justified the prophecy.  After a few trifling operations before Groningen, Hohenlo was summoned to the neighbourhood of Coewerden, by the reported arrival of Martin Schenck, at the head of a considerable force.  On the 15th of June, the Count marched all night and a part of the follow morning, in search of the enemy.  He came up with them upon Hardenberg Heath, in a broiling summer forenoon.  His men were jaded by the forced march, overcame with the heat, tormented with thirst, and unable to procure even a drop of water.  The royalists were fresh so that the result of the contest was easily to be foreseen.  Hohenlo’s army was annihilated in an hour’s time, the whole population fled out of Coewerden, the siege of Groningen was raised; Renneberg was set free to resume his operations on a larger scale, and the fate of all the north-eastern provinces was once more swinging in the wind.  The boors of Drenthe and Friesland rose again.  They had already mustered in the field at an earlier

Project Gutenberg
Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Complete (1574-84) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.