Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 27: 1577-78 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 27.

Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 27: 1577-78 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 27.

They endeavored, without success, to palliate the presence of Orange, and the circumstances of his reception, for it was not probable that their eloquence would bring the Governor to look at the subject with their eyes.  Three days were agreed upon for the suspension of hostilities, and Don John was highly indignant that the estates would grant no longer a truce.  The refusal was, however, reasonable enough on their part, for they were aware that veteran Spaniards and Italians were constantly returning to him, and that he was daily strengthening his position.  The envoys returned to Brussels, to give an account of the Governor’s rage, which they could not declare to be unnatural, and to assist in preparations for the war, which was now deemed inevitable.  Don John, leaving a strong garrison in the citadel of Namur, from which place he, despatched a final communication to the estates-general, dated the 2nd of October, retired to Luxemburg.  In this letter, without exactly uttering defiance, he unequivocally accepted the hostilities which had been pressed upon him, and answered their hollow professions of attachment to the Catholic religion and his Majesty’s authority, by denouncing their obvious intentions to trample upon both.  He gave them, in short, to understand that he perceived their intentions, and meant them to comprehend his own.

Thus the quarrel was brought to an issue, and Don John saw with grim complacency, that the pen was at last to be superseded by the sword.  A remarkable pamphlet was now published, in seven different languages, Latin, French, Flemish, German, Italian, Spanish; and English, containing a succinct account of the proceedings between the Governor and the estates, together with copies of the intercepted letters of Don John and Escovedo to the King, to Perez, to the German colonels, and to the Empress.  This work, composed and published by order of the estates-general, was transmitted with an accompanying address to every potentate in Christendom.  It was soon afterwards followed by a counter-statement, prepared by order of Don John, and containing his account of the same matters, with his recriminations against the conduct of the estates.

Another important movement had, meanwhile, been made by the third party in this complicated game.  The Catholic nobles, jealous of the growing influence of Orange, and indignant at the expanding power of the people, had opened secret negotiations with the Archduke Matthias, then a mild, easy-tempered youth of twenty, brother of the reigning emperor, Rudolph.  After the matter had been discussed some time in secret, it was resolved, towards the end of September, to send a messenger to Vienna, privately inviting the young Prince to Brussels, but much to the surprise of these nobles, it was discovered that some fifteen or sixteen of the grandees of the land, among them Aerschot, Havre, Champagny, De Ville, Lalain, De Heze, and others, had already taken .the initiative in the

Project Gutenberg
Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 27: 1577-78 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.