Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 12: 1567, part I eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 12.

Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 12: 1567, part I eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 12.

This memorable meeting took place at Willebroek, a village midway between Antwerp and Brussels, in the first week of April.  The Duke of Aerschot was prevented from attending, but Mansfeld and Egmont—­accompanied by the faithful Berty, to make another proces verbal—­duly made their appearance.  The Prince had never felt much sympathy with Mansfeld, but a tender and honest friendship had always existed between himself and Egmont, notwithstanding the difference of their characters, the incessant artifices employed by the Spanish court to separate them, and the impassable chasm which now, existed between their respective positions towards the government.

The same common-places of argument and rhetoric were now discussed between Orange and the other three personages, the, Prince distinctly stating, in conclusion, that he considered himself as discharged from all his offices, and that he was about to leave the Netherlands for Germany.  The interview, had it been confined to such formal conversation, would have but little historic interest.  Egmont’s choice had been made.  Several months before he had signified his determination to hold those for enemies who should cease to conduct themselves as faithful vassals, declared himself to be without fear that the country was to be placed in the hands of Spaniards, and disavowed all intention, in any case whatever, of taking arms against the King.  His subsequent course, as we have seen, had been entirely in conformity with these solemn declarations.  Nevertheless, the Prince, to whom they had been made, thought it still possible to withdraw his friend from the precipice upon which he stood, and to save him from his impending fate.  His love for Egmont had, in his own noble; and pathetic language, “struck its roots too deeply into his heart” to permit him, in this their parting interview, to neglect a last effort, even if this solemn warning were destined to be disregarded.

By any reasonable construction of history, Philip was an unscrupulous usurper, who was attempting to convert himself from a Duke of Brabant and a Count of Holland into an absolute king.  It was William who was maintaining, Philip who was destroying; and the monarch who was thus blasting the happiness of the provinces, and about to decimate their population, was by the same process to undermine his own power forever, and to divest himself of his richest inheritance.  The man on whom he might have leaned for support, had he been capable of comprehending his character, and of understanding the age in which he had himself been called upon to reign, was, through Philip’s own insanity, converted into the instrument by which his most valuable provinces were, to be taken from him, and eventually re-organized into:  an independent commonwealth.  Could a vision, like that imagined by the immortal dramatist for another tyrant and murderer, have revealed the future to Philip, he, too, might have beheld his victim, not crowned himself, but pointing

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Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 12: 1567, part I from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.