Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 04: 1555-59 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 112 pages of information about Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 04.

Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 04: 1555-59 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 112 pages of information about Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 04.

His council consisted of five or six Spanish grandees, the famous Ruy Gomez, then Count of Melito, afterwards Prince of Eboli; the Duke of Alva, the Count de Feria, the Duke of Franca Villa, Don Antonio Toledo, and Don Juan Manrique de Lara.  The “two columns,” said Suriano, “which sustain this great machine, are Ruy Gomez and Alva, and from their councils depends the government of half the world.”  The two were ever bitterly opposed to each other.  Incessant were their bickerings, intense their mutual hate, desperate and difficult the situation of any man, whether foreigner or native, who had to transact business with the government.  If he had secured the favor of Gomez, he had already earned the enmity of Alva.  Was he protected by the Duke, he was sure to be cast into outer darkness by the favorite.—­Alva represented the war party, Ruy Gomez the pacific polity more congenial to the heart of Philip.  The Bishop of Arras, who in the opinion of the envoys was worth them all for his capacity and his experience, was then entirely in the background, rarely entering the council except when summoned to give advice in affairs of extraordinary delicacy or gravity.  He was, however, to reappear most signally in course of the events already preparing.  The Duke of Alva, also to play so tremendous a part in the yet unborn history of the Netherlands, was not beloved by Philip.  He was eclipsed at this period by the superior influence of the favorite, and his sword, moreover, became necessary in the Italian campaign which was impending.  It is remarkable that it was a common opinion even at that day that the duke was naturally hesitating and timid.  One would have thought that his previous victories might have earned for him the reputation for courage and skill which he most unquestionably deserved.  The future was to develop those other characteristics which were to make his name the terror and wonder of the world.

The favorite, Ruy Gomez da Silva, Count de Melito, was the man upon whose shoulders the great burthen of the state reposed.  He was of a family which was originally Portuguese.  He had been brought up with the King, although some eight years his senior, and their friendship dated from earliest youth.  It was said that Ruy Gomez, when a boy, had been condemned to death for having struck Philip, who had come between him and another page with whom he was quarrelling.  The Prince threw himself passionately at his father’s feet, and implored forgiveness in behalf of the culprit with such energy that the Emperor was graciously pleased to spare the life of the future prime minister.  The incident was said to have laid the foundation of the remarkable affection which was supposed to exist between the two, to an extent never witnessed before between king and subject.  Ruy Gomez was famous for his tact and complacency, and omitted no opportunity of cementing the friendship thus auspiciously commenced.  He was said to have particularly charmed his master, upon one occasion,

Project Gutenberg
Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 04: 1555-59 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.