The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 3.

The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 3.

The oppression which, trembling at every nerve yet resolute to heroism, it was his ill-fortune to encounter at school and at college, led him to dissent in all things from those whose arguments were blows, whose faith appeared to engender blame and hatred.  ‘During my existence,’ he wrote to a friend in 1812, ‘I have incessantly speculated, thought, and read.’  His readings were not always well chosen; among them were the works of the French philosophers:  as far as metaphysical argument went, he temporarily became a convert.  At the same time, it was the cardinal article of his faith that, if men were but taught and induced to treat their fellows with love, charity, and equal rights, this earth would realize paradise.  He looked upon religion, as it is professed, and above all practised, as hostile instead of friendly to the cultivation of those virtues which would make men brothers.

Can this be wondered at?  At the age of seventeen, fragile in health and frame, of the purest habits in morals, full of devoted generosity and universal kindness, glowing with ardour to attain wisdom, resolved at every personal sacrifice to do right, burning with a desire for affection and sympathy,—­he was treated as a reprobate, cast forth as a criminal.

The cause was that he was sincere; that he believed the opinions which he entertained to be true.  And he loved truth with a martyr’s love; he was ready to sacrifice station and fortune, and his dearest affections, at its shrine.  The sacrifice was demanded from, and made by, a youth of seventeen.  It is a singular fact in the history of society in the civilized nations of modern times that no false step is so irretrievable as one made in early youth.  Older men, it is true, when they oppose their fellows and transgress ordinary rules, carry a certain prudence or hypocrisy as a shield along with them.  But youth is rash; nor can it imagine, while asserting what it believes to be true, and doing what it believes to be right, that it should be denounced as vicious, and pursued as a criminal.

Shelley possessed a quality of mind which experience has shown me to be of the rarest occurrence among human beings:  this was his UNWORLDLINESS.  The usual motives that rule men, prospects of present or future advantage, the rank and fortune of those around, the taunts and censures, or the praise, of those who were hostile to him, had no influence whatever over his actions, and apparently none over his thoughts.  It is difficult even to express the simplicity and directness of purpose that adorned him.  Some few might be found in the history of mankind, and some one at least among his own friends, equally disinterested and scornful, even to severe personal sacrifices, of every baser motive.  But no one, I believe, ever joined this noble but passive virtue to equal active endeavours for the benefit of his friends and mankind in general, and to equal power to produce the advantages he desired.  The world’s brightest gauds

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.