The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 695 pages of information about The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1.

The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 695 pages of information about The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1.

’What call ye “justice”?  Is there one who ne’er
In secret thought has wished another’s ill?—­
Are ye all pure?  Let those stand forth who hear
And tremble not.  Shall they insult and kill, 2020
If such they be? their mild eyes can they fill
With the false anger of the hypocrite? 
Alas, such were not pure!—­the chastened will
Of virtue sees that justice is the light
Of love, and not revenge, and terror and despite.’

The murmur of the people, slowly dying,
Paused as I spake, then those who near me were,
Cast gentle looks where the lone man was lying
Shrouding his head, which now that infant fair
Clasped on her lap in silence;—­through the air 2030
Sobs were then heard, and many kissed my feet
In pity’s madness, and to the despair
Of him whom late they cursed, a solace sweet
His very victims brought—­soft looks and speeches meet.

Then to a home for his repose assigned, 2035
Accompanied by the still throng, he went
In silence, where, to soothe his rankling mind,
Some likeness of his ancient state was lent;
And if his heart could have been innocent
As those who pardoned him, he might have ended
His days in peace; but his straight lips were bent,
Men said, into a smile which guile portended,
A sight with which that child like hope with fear was blended.

’Twas midnight now, the eve of that great day
Whereon the many nations at whose call 2045
The chains of earth like mist melted away,
Decreed to hold a sacred Festival,
A rite to attest the equality of all
Who live.  So to their homes, to dream or wake
All went.  The sleepless silence did recall
Laone to my thoughts, with hopes that make
The flood recede from which their thirst they seek to slake.

The dawn flowed forth, and from its purple fountains
I drank those hopes which make the spirit quail,
As to the plain between the misty mountains 2055
And the great City, with a countenance pale,
I went:—­it was a sight which might avail
To make men weep exulting tears, for whom
Now first from human power the reverend veil
Was torn, to see Earth from her general womb
Pour forth her swarming sons to a fraternal doom: 

To see, far glancing in the misty morning,
The signs of that innumerable host;
To hear one sound of many made, the warning
Of Earth to Heaven from its free children tossed, 2065
While the eternal hills, and the sea lost
In wavering light, and, starring the blue sky
The city’s myriad spires of gold, almost
With human joy made mute society—­
Its witnesses with men who must hereafter be.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.