The soldiers dreamed that they were blacksmiths, and
Walked out of quarters in somnambulism;
Round the red anvils you might see them stand
Like Cyclopses in Vulcan’s sooty abysm,
Beating their swords to ploughshares;—in
a band 645
The gaolers sent those of the liberal schism
Free through the streets of Memphis, much, I wis,
To the annoyance of king Amasis.
And timid lovers who had been so coy,
They hardly knew whether they loved or not,
Would rise out of their rest, and take sweet joy,
To the fulfilment of their inmost thought;
And when next day the maiden and the boy
Met one another, both, like sinners caught,
Blushed at the thing which each believed was done
Only in fancy—till the tenth moon shone;
And then the Witch would let them take no ill:
Of many thousand schemes which lovers find,
The Witch found one,—and so they took their
Of happiness in marriage warm and kind.
Friends who, by practice of some envious skill,
Were torn apart—a wide wound, mind from
She did unite again with visions clear
Of deep affection and of truth sincere.
These were the pranks she played among the cities
Of mortal men, and what she did to Sprites
And Gods, entangling them in her sweet ditties
To do her will, and show their subtle sleights,
I will declare another time; for it is
A tale more fit for the weird winter nights
Than for these garish summer days, when we
Scarcely believe much more than we can see.
NOTES: 2 dead]deaf cj. A.C. Bradley,
who cps. “Adonais” 317. 65 first
was transcript, B.; was first edition 1824. 84
Temple’s transcript, B.; tempest’s edition
1824. 165 was its transcript, B.; is its edition
1824. 184 envied so all manuscripts and editions;
envious cj. James
Thomson (’B. V.’).
262 upon so all manuscripts and editions:
thereon cj. Rossetti. 333 swelled lightly
edition 1824, B.;
lightly swelled editions
swelling lightly with
its full growth transcript.
339 lightenings B., editions 1839; lightnings
edition 1824, transcript. 422 Its transcript; His
edition 1824, B. 424 Thamondocana transcript,
B.; Thamondocona edition 1824. 442 wind’s
transcript, B.; winds’ edition 1834. 493
where transcript, B.; when edition 1824. 596 thenceforward
thence forth edition
1824; henceforward transcript.
599 Was as a B.; Was a edition 1824. 601 night
when transcript; night that edition 1824, B. 612
smiles transcript, B.; sleep edition 1824.