The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 695 pages of information about The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1.

The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 695 pages of information about The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1.
Which is not his fault, as you may divine. 
Though we eat little flesh and drink no wine,
Yet let’s be merry:  we’ll have tea and toast;
Custards for supper, and an endless host
Of syllabubs and jellies and mince-pies, 305
And other such lady-like luxuries,—­
Feasting on which we will philosophize! 
And we’ll have fires out of the Grand Duke’s wood,
To thaw the six weeks’ winter in our blood. 
And then we’ll talk;—­what shall we talk about?
Oh! there are themes enough for many a bout
Of thought-entangled descant;—­as to nerves—­
With cones and parallelograms and curves
I’ve sworn to strangle them if once they dare
To bother me—­when you are with me there. 315
And they shall never more sip laudanum,
From Helicon or Himeros (1);—­well, come,
And in despite of God and of the devil,
We’ll make our friendly philosophic revel
Outlast the leafless time; till buds and flowers
Warn the obscure inevitable hours,
Sweet meeting by sad parting to renew;—­
‘To-morrow to fresh woods and pastures new.’

NOTES:  13 must Bos. manuscript; most edition 1824. 27 philanthropic Bos. manuscript; philosophic edition 1824. 29 so 1839, 2nd edition; They owed... edition 1824. 36 Which fishers Bos. manuscript; Which fishes edition 1824;
    With fishes editions 1839.
38 rarely transcript; seldom editions 1824, 1839. 61 lava—­cry]lava-cry editions 1824, 1839. 63 towers transcript; towns editions 1824, 1839. 84 queer Bos. manuscript; green transcript, editions 1824, 1839. 92 odd hooks transcript; old books editions 1839 (an evident misprint);
    old hooks edition 1824.
93 A]An edition 1824. 100 those transcript; them editions 1824, 1839. 101 lead Bos. manuscript; least transcript, editions 1824, 1839. 127 eye Bos. manuscript, transcript, editions 1839; age edition 1824. 140 knew Bos. manuscript; know transcript, editions 1824, 1839. 144 citing Bos. manuscript; acting transcript, editions 1824, 1839. 151 Feasts transcript; Treats editions 1824, 1839. 153 As well it]As it well editions 1824, 1839. 158 believe, and]believe; or editions 1824, 1839. 173 their transcript; the editions 1824, 1839. 188 aethereal transcript; aereal editions 1824, 1839. 197-201 See notes Volume 3. 202 Coleridge]C—­ edition 1824.  So too H—­t l. 209; H—­ l. 226;
     P—­ l. 233; H.S. l. 250; H—­ —­ and —­ l. 296.
205 lightning Bos. manuscript, transcript; lustre editions 1824, 1839. 224 read Bos. manuscript; said transcript, editions 1824, 1839. 244 time Bos. manuscript, transcript; age editions 1824, 1839. 245 the transcript:  a editions 1824, 1839. 272, 273 found in the 2nd edition of P. W., 1839;
     wanting in transcript, edition 1824 and 1839, 1st. edition.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.