Little Lord Fauntleroy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about Little Lord Fauntleroy.

Little Lord Fauntleroy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about Little Lord Fauntleroy.

“Why, he ain’t safe!” he said.  “He ain’t safe!  If the women folks can sit up on their thrones an’ give the word for things like that to be done, who’s to know what’s happening to him this very minute?  He’s no more safe than nothing!  Just let a woman like that get mad, an’ no one’s safe!”

“Well,” said Dick, though he looked rather anxious himself; “ye see this ‘ere un isn’t the one that’s bossin’ things now.  I know her name’s Victory, an’ this un here in the book, her name’s Mary.”

“So it is,” said Mr. Hobbs, still mopping his forehead; “so it is.  An’ the newspapers are not sayin’ anything about any racks, thumb-screws, or stake-burnin’s,—­but still it doesn’t seem as if ’t was safe for him over there with those queer folks.  Why, they tell me they don’t keep the Fourth o’ July!”

He was privately uneasy for several days; and it was not until he received Fauntleroy’s letter and had read it several times, both to himself and to Dick, and had also read the letter Dick got about the same time, that he became composed again.

But they both found great pleasure in their letters.  They read and re-read them, and talked them over and enjoyed every word of them.  And they spent days over the answers they sent and read them over almost as often as the letters they had received.

It was rather a labor for Dick to write his.  All his knowledge of reading and writing he had gained during a few months, when he had lived with his elder brother, and had gone to a night-school; but, being a sharp boy, he had made the most of that brief education, and had spelled out things in newspapers since then, and practiced writing with bits of chalk on pavements or walls or fences.  He told Mr. Hobbs all about his life and about his elder brother, who had been rather good to him after their mother died, when Dick was quite a little fellow.  Their father had died some time before.  The brother’s name was Ben, and he had taken care of Dick as well as he could, until the boy was old enough to sell newspapers and run errands.  They had lived together, and as he grew older Ben had managed to get along until he had quite a decent place in a store.

“And then,” exclaimed Dick with disgust, “blest if he didn’t go an’ marry a gal!  Just went and got spoony an’ hadn’t any more sense left!  Married her, an’ set up housekeepin’ in two back rooms.  An’ a hefty un she was,—­a regular tiger-cat.  She’d tear things to pieces when she got mad,—­and she was mad all the time.  Had a baby just like her,—­yell day ‘n’ night!  An’ if I didn’t have to ‘tend it! an’ when it screamed, she’d fire things at me.  She fired a plate at me one day, an’ hit the baby—­ cut its chin.  Doctor said he’d carry the mark till he died.  A nice mother she was!  Crackey! but didn’t we have a time—­Ben ‘n’ mehself ‘n’ the young un.  She was mad at Ben because he didn’t make money faster; ‘n’ at last he went out West with a man to set up a cattle

Project Gutenberg
Little Lord Fauntleroy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.