Strong as Death eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Strong as Death.

Strong as Death eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about Strong as Death.

Then he felt remorse at having abandoned himself to the influence of these emotions, which he knew were powerful and dangerous.  To escape them, to drive them away, to deliver his soul from this sweet and captivating dream, he directed his mind toward all imaginable ideas, all possible subjects of reflection and meditation.  Vain efforts!  All the paths of distraction that he took led him back to the same point, where he met a fair young face that seemed to be lying in wait for him.  It was a vague and inevitable obsession that floated round him, recalling him, stopping him, no matter what detour he might make in order to fly from it.

The confusion of these two beings, which had so troubled him on the evening of their walk at Roncieres, rose again in his memory as soon as he evoked them, after ceasing to reflect and reason, and he attempted to comprehend what strange emotion was this that stirred his being.  He said to himself:  “Now, have I for Annette a more tender feeling than I should have?” Then, probing his heart, he felt it burning with affection for a woman who was certainly young, who had Annette’s features, but who was not she.  And he reassured himself in a cowardly way by thinking:  “No, I do not love the little one; I am the victim of a resemblance.”

However, those two days at Roncieres remained in his soul like a source of heat, of happiness, of intoxication; and the least details of those days returned to him, one by one, with precision, sweeter even than at the time they occurred.  Suddenly, while reviewing the course of these memories, he saw once more the road they had followed on leaving the cemetery, the young girl plucking flowers, and he recollected that he had promised her a cornflower in sapphires as soon as they returned to Paris.

All his resolutions took flight, and without struggling longer he took his hat and went out, rejoiced at the thought of the pleasure he was about to give her.

The footman answered him, when he presented himself: 

“Madame is out, but Mademoiselle is at home.”

Again he felt a thrill of joy.

“Tell her that I should like to speak to her.”

Annette appeared very soon.

“Good-day, dear master,” said she gravely.

He began to laugh, shook hands with her, and sitting near her, said: 

“Guess why I have come.”

She thought a few seconds.

“I don’t know.”

“To take you and your mother to the jeweler’s to choose the sapphire cornflower I promised you at Roncieres.”

The young girl’s face was illumined with delight.

“Oh, and mamma has gone out,” said she.  “But she will return soon.  You will wait for her, won’t you?”

“Yes, if she is not too long.”

“Oh, how insolent!  Too long, with me!  You treat me like a child.”

“No, not so much as you think,” he replied.

Project Gutenberg
Strong as Death from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.