(1079) The petition of the livery of London, complaining of the unconstitutional conduct of the King’s ministers, and the undue return of Mr. Luttrell, when he Opposed Mr. Wilkes at the election for Middlesex.
(1080) In a letter to the Earl of Chatham, of the 11th, Lord Temple says:—“Your reception at St. James’s where I am glad you have been, turns out exactly such as I should have expected—full of the highest marks of regard to your lordship: full of condescension, and of all those sentiments of grace and goodness which his Majesty can so well express. I think that you cannot but be happy at the result of this experiment.” Chatham Correspondence, vol. iii. p. 361.-E.
Letter 365 To The Rev. Mr. Cole. Strawberry Hill, July 15, 1769. (page 548)
Dear Sir, Your fellow-travellers, Rosette(1081) and I, got home safe and perfectly contented with our expedition, and wonderfully obliged to you. Pray receive our thanks and barking; and pray say, and bark a great deal for us to Mr. and Mrs. Bentham, and all that good family.
After gratitude, you know, always comes a little self-interest; for who would be at the trouble of being grateful, if he had no further expectations? Imprimis, then, here are the directions for Mr. Essex for the piers of my gates. Bishop Luda must not be offended at my converting his tomb into a gateway. Many a saint and confessor, I doubt, will be glad soon to be passed through, as it will, at least, secure his being passed over. When I was directing the east window at Ely, I recollected the lines of Prior:—
“How unlucky were Nature and Art to poor Nell! She was painting her cheeks at the time her nose fell.”
Adorning cathedrals when the religion itself totters, is very like poor Nell’s mishap.(1082) ***** I will trouble you with no more at present, but to get from Mr. Lort the name of the Norfolk monster, and to give it to Jackson. Don’t forget the list of English heads in Dr. Ewin’s book for Mr. Granger; particularly the Duchess of Chenreux. I will now release you, only adding my compliments to Dr. Ewin, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Lort, Mr. Essex, and once more to the Benthams. Adieu, dear Sir! Yours ever
Remember to ask me for icacias, and any thing else
with which I
pay some of my debts to you..
(1081) A favourite dog of Mr. Walpole’s.
(1082) Here follow some minute directions for building the gateway, unintelligible without the sketch that accompanied the letter, and uninteresting with it, and a list of prints that Mr. Walpole was anxious to procure.
Letter 366 To The Rev. Mr. Cole. Strawberry Hill, August 12, 1769. (page 549)