The Mayor's Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about The Mayor's Wife.

The Mayor's Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about The Mayor's Wife.

That it was a belief and nothing more seemed sufficiently clear to me in the cold-blooded analysis to which I now subjected the whole matter.

Phantoms have no place in the economy of nature.  That Mrs. Packard thought herself the victim of one was simply a proof of how deeply, though perhaps unconsciously, she had been affected by the traditions of the house.  Such sensitiveness in a mind naturally firm and uncommonly well poised, called for attention.  Yet a physician had asserted that he could do nothing for her.  Granting that he was mistaken, would an interference of so direct and unmistakable a character be wise in the present highly strung condition of her nerves?  I doubted it.  It would show too plainly the light in which we regarded her.  I dared not undertake the responsibility of such a course in Mayor Packard’s absence.  Some other way must be found to quiet her apprehensions and bring her into harmony again with her surroundings.  I knew of only one course.  If the influence of the house had brought on this hallucination, then the influence of the house must be destroyed.  She must be made to see that, despite its unfortunate reputation, no specter had ever visited it; that some purely natural cause was at the bottom of the various manifestations which had successively driven away all previous tenants.

Could I hope to effect this?  It was an undertaking of no small moment.  Had I the necessary judgment?  I doubted it, but my ambition was roused.  While Mr. Steele was devoting himself to the discovery of Mayor and Mrs. Packard’s political enemy, I would essay the more difficult task of penetrating the mystery threatening their domestic peace.  I could but fail; a few inquiries would assure me of the folly or the wisdom of my course.

Having reached this point and satisfied myself as to my real duty, I rose to leave my room for another word or two with Ellen.  As I did so my eyes fell on the shade still drawn between me and the next house.  The impulse to raise it was irresistible.  I must see if either of the two old faces still occupied that gable window.  It was not likely.  It was not in ordinary human nature to keep up so unremitting a watch.  Yet as the shade flew up at my touch I realized that my astonishment would have been great and my expectations altogether disappointed if I had not encountered the fixed countenance and the set stare with which I had come to connect this solitary window.  Miss Charity was there, and, though I now knew what underlay her senile, if not utterly mad watch, the impression made upon me by her hopeless countenance was as keen as it had ever been, and lent point and impetus to the task I had just set for myself.

It was apparent that Mrs. Packard had forgotten or changed her mind about joining me in her own room, but nevertheless I went out, to discover what possible duties she might have laid out for me.  Ascertaining from Ellen that Mrs. Packard had engagements which would take her out at noon, I waited for that hour to pass, then excused myself and went out also.

Project Gutenberg
The Mayor's Wife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.