Loyalties eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 86 pages of information about Loyalties.

Loyalties eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 86 pages of information about Loyalties.

De Levis. [Looking from one to the other—­with sudden anger] You seem to think—!  What was I to do?  Take it lying down and let whoever it is get clear off?  I suppose it’s natural to want my money back?

     Canynge looks at his nails; Winsor out of the window.

Winsor. [Turning] Of course, De Levis!

De Levis. [Sullenly] Well, I’ll go to my room.  When the police come, perhaps you’ll let me know.  He goes out.

Winsor.  Phew!  Did you ever see such a dressing-gown?

     The door is opened.  Lady Adela and Margaret Orme come in.  The
     latter is a vivid young lady of about twenty-five in a vivid
     wrapper; she is smoking a cigarette.

Lady A. I’ve told the Dancys—­she was in bed.  And I got through to Newmarket, Charles, and Inspector Dede is coming like the wind on a motor cycle.

Margaret.  Did he say “like the wind,” Adela?  He must have imagination.  Isn’t this gorgeous?  Poor little Ferdy!

Winsor. [Vexed] You might take it seriously, Margaret; it’s pretty beastly for us all.  What time did you come up?

Margaret.  I came up with Adela.  Am I suspected, Charles?  How thrilling!

Winsor.  Did you hear anything?

Margaret.  Only little Ferdy splashing.

Winsor.  And saw nothing?

Margaret.  Not even that, alas!

Lady A. [With a finger held up] Leste!  Un peu leste!  Oh!  Here are the
Dancys.  Come in, you two!

Mabel and Ronald Dancy enter.  She is a pretty young woman with bobbed hair, fortunately, for she has just got out of bed, and is in her nightgown and a wrapper.  Dancy is in his smoking jacket.  He has a pale, determined face with high cheekbones, small, deep-set dark eyes, reddish crisp hair, and looks like a horseman.

Winsor.  Awfully sorry to disturb you, Mrs Dancy; but I suppose you and Ronny haven’t heard anything.  De Levis’s room is just beyond Ronny’s dressing-room, you know.

Mabel.  I’ve been asleep nearly half an hour, and Ronny’s only just come up.

Canynge.  Did you happen to look out of your window, Mrs Dancy?

Mabel.  Yes.  I stood there quite five minutes.

Canynge.  When?

Mabel.  Just about eleven, I should think.  It was raining hard then.

Canynge.  Yes, it’s just stopped.  You saw nothing?

Mabel.  No.

Dancy.  What time does he say the money was taken?

Winsor.  Between the quarter and half past.  He’d locked his door and had the key with him.

Margaret.  How quaint!  Just like an hotel.  Does he put his boots out?

Project Gutenberg
Loyalties from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.