Loyalties eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 86 pages of information about Loyalties.

Loyalties eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 86 pages of information about Loyalties.
Well, that man was taken aback.  If I’m a judge, Mr Twisden, he was taken aback, not to speak in a guilty way, but he was, as you might say, flummoxed.  “Now,” I said to him, “where did you get it—­that’s the point?” He took his time to answer, and then he said:  “Well, Mr Gilman,” he said, “you know me; I am an honourable man.  I can’t tell you offhand, but I am above the board.”  He’s foreign, you know, in his expressions.  “Yes,” I said, “that’s all very well,” I said, “but here I’ve got a stolen note and you’ve got the value for it.  Now I tell you,” I said, “what I’m going to do; I’m going straight with this note to Mr Jacob Twisden, who’s got this Dancy-De Levis case in ’and.  He’s a well-known Society lawyer,” I said, “of great experience.”  “Oh!” he said, “that is what you do?”—­funny the way he speaks!  “Then I come with you!”—­And I’ve got him in the cab below.  I want to tell you everything before he comes up.  On the way I tried to get something out of him, but I couldn’t—­I could not.  “This is very awkward,” I said at last.  “It is, Mr Gilman,” was his reply; and he began to talk about his Sicilian claret—­a very good wine, mind you; but under the circumstances it seemed to me uncalled for.  Have I made it clear to you?

Twisden. [Who has listened with extreme attention] Perfectly, Mr Gilman.  I’ll send down for him. [He touches a hand-bell].

     The young Clerk appears at the door, Left Forward.

A gentleman in a taxi-waiting.  Ask him to be so good as to step up.  Oh! and send Mr Graviter here again.

     The young Clerk goes out.

Gilman.  As I told you, sir, I’ve been followin’ this case.  It’s what you might call piquant.  And I should be very glad if it came about that this helped Captain Dancy.  I take an interest, because, to tell you the truth, [Confidentially] I don’t like—­well, not to put too fine a point upon it ’Ebrews.  They work harder; they’re more sober; they’re honest; and they’re everywhere.  I’ve nothing against them, but the fact is—­they get on so.

Twisden. [Cocking an eye] A thorn in the flesh, Mr Gilman.

Gilman.  Well, I prefer my own countrymen, and that’s the truth of it.

     As he speaks, Graviter comes in by the door Left Forward.

Twisden. [Pointing to the newspaper and the note] Mr Gilman has brought this, of which he is holder for value.  His customer, who changed it three days ago, is coming up.

Graviter.  The fifty-pounder.  I see. [His face is long and reflective].

Young Clerk. [Entering] Mr Ricardos, sir.

     He goes out.  Ricardos is a personable, Italian-looking man in a
     frock coat, with a dark moustachioed face and dark hair a little
     grizzled.  He looks anxious, and bows.

Twisden.  Mr Ricardos?  My name is Jacob Twisden.  My partner. [Holding up a finger, as Ricardos would speak] Mr Gilman has told us about this note.  You took it to him, he says, three days ago; that is, on Monday, and received cash for it?

Project Gutenberg
Loyalties from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.