Loyalties eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 86 pages of information about Loyalties.

Loyalties eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 86 pages of information about Loyalties.

St Erth.  If I were young Dancy, nothing should induce me.

De Levis.  But you didn’t steal my money, Lord St Erth.

St Erth.  You’re deuced positive, sir.  So far as I could understand it, there were a dozen ways you could have been robbed.  It seems to me you value other men’s reputations very lightly.

De Levis.  Confront me with Dancy and give me fair play.

Winsor. [Aside to Canynge] Is it fair to Dancy not to let him know?

Canynge.  Our duty is to the Club now, Winsor.  We must have this cleared up.

     Colford comes in, followed by Borring and Dancy.

St Erth.  Captain Dancy, a serious accusation has been made against you by this gentleman in the presence of several members of the Club.

Dancy.  What is it?

St Erth.  That you robbed him of that money at WINSOR’s.

Dancy. [Hard and tense] Indeed!  On what grounds is he good enough to say that?

De Levis. [Tense too] You gave me that filly to save yourself her keep, and you’ve been mad about it ever since; you knew from Goole that I had sold her to Kentman and been paid in cash, yet I heard you myself deny that you knew it.  You had the next room to me, and you can jump like a cat, as we saw that evening; I found some creepers crushed by a weight on my balcony on that side.  When I went to the bath your door was open, and when I came back it was shut.

Canynge.  That’s the first we have heard about the door.

De Levis.  I remembered it afterwards.

St Erth.  Well, Dancy?

Dancy. [With intense deliberation] I’ll settle this matter with any weapons, when and where he likes.

St Erth. [Drily] It can’t be settled that way—­you know very well. 
You must take it to the Courts, unless he retracts.

Dancy.  Will you retract?

De Levis.  Why did you tell General Canynge you didn’t know Kentman had paid me in cash?

Dancy.  Because I didn’t.

De Levis.  Then Kentman and Goole lied—­for no reason?

Dancy.  That’s nothing to do with me.

De Levis.  If you were downstairs all the time, as you say, why was your door first open and then shut?

Dancy.  Being downstairs, how should I know?  The wind, probably.

De Levis.  I should like to hear what your wife says about it.

Dancy.  Leave my wife alone, you damned Jew!

St Erth.  Captain Dancy!

De Levis. [White with rage] Thief!

Dancy.  Will you fight?

De Levis.  You’re very smart-dead men tell no tales.  No!  Bring your action, and we shall see.

Project Gutenberg
Loyalties from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.