The Game of Logic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Game of Logic.

The Game of Logic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Game of Logic.

i.e.  Some skates can swim.

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Let “people” be Universe; m="passionate”;
x="reasonable”; y="orators”.

All m are x’; &there4 Some y are x’. 
Some y are m.

i.e.  Some orators are unreasonable.

[See remarks on No. 7, p. 60.]


Hit or Miss.

         “Thou canst not hit it, hit it, hit it,
          Thou canst not hit it, my good man.”


1.  Pain is wearisome; No pain is eagerly wished for.

2.  No bald person needs a hair-brush; No lizards have hair.

3.  All thoughtless people do mischief; No thoughtful person forgets a promise.

4.  I do not like John; Some of my friends like John.

5.  No potatoes are pine-apples; All pine-apples are nice.

6.  No pins are ambitious; No needles are pins.

7.  All my friends have colds; No one can sing who has a cold.

8.  All these dishes are well-cooked; Some dishes are unwholesome if not well-cooked.

9.  No medicine is nice; Senna is a medicine.

10.  Some oysters are silent; No silent creatures are amusing.

11.  All wise men walk on their feet; All unwise men walk on their hands.

12.  “Mind your own business; This quarrel is no business of yours.”

13.  No bridges are made of sugar; Some bridges are picturesque.

14.  No riddles interest me that can be solved; All these riddles are insoluble.

15.  John is industrious; All industrious people are happy.

16.  No frogs write books; Some people use ink in writing books.

17.  No pokers are soft; All pillows are soft.

18.  No antelope is ungraceful; Graceful animals delight the eye.

19.  Some uncles are ungenerous; All merchants are generous.

20.  No unhappy people chuckle; No happy people groan.

21.  Audible music causes vibration in the air; Inaudible music is not worth paying for.

22.  He gave me five pounds; I was delighted.

23.  No old Jews are fat millers; All my friends are old millers.

24.  Flour is good for food; Oatmeal is a kind of flour.

25.  Some dreams are terrible; No lambs are terrible.

26.  No rich man begs in the street; All who are not rich should keep accounts.

27.  No thieves are honest; Some dishonest people are found out.

28.  All wasps are unfriendly; All puppies are friendly.

29.  All improbable stories are doubted; None of these stories are probable.

Project Gutenberg
The Game of Logic from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.