He is a-person-whom-I-sent-to-bring-me-a-kitten;
He is a-person-who-brought-me-a-kettle-by-mistake.
The latter form seems best, as the interest of the anecdote clearly depends on his stupidity—not on what happened to me. Let us then make m = “he”; x = “persons whom I sent, &c.”; and y = “persons who brought, &c.”
Hence, All m are x;
All m are y. and the required Diagram
--------------- | | | | ---|--- | | | 1 | 0 | | |---|---|---|---| | | 0 | 0 | | | ---|--- | | | | ---------------
7. Both Diagrams employed.
------- | 0 | | 1. |—–|—–| i.e. All y are x’. | 1 | | -------
------- | | 1 | 2. |—–|—–| i.e. Some x are y’; or, Some y’ are x. | | | -------
------- | | | 3. |—–|—–| i.e. Some y are x’; or, Some x’ are y. | 1 | | -------
------- | | | 4. |—–|—–| i.e. No x’ are y’; or, No y’ are x’. | | 0 | -------
------- | 0 | | 5. |—–|—–| i.e. All y are x’. i.e. All black rabbits | 1 | | are young. -------
------- | | | 6. |—–|—–| i.e. Some y are x’. i.e. Some black | 1 | | rabbits are young. -------
------- | 1 | 0 | 7. |—–|—–| i.e. All x are y. i.e. All well-fed birds | | | are happy. -------
------- | | | i.e. Some x’ are y’. i.e. Some birds, 8. |—–|—–| that are not well-fed, are unhappy; | | 1 | or, Some unhappy birds are not ------- well-fed.
------- | 1 | 0 | 9. |—–|—–| i.e. All x are y. i.e. John has got a | | | tooth-ache. -------
------- | | | 10. |—–|—–| i.e. No x’ are y. i.e. No one, but John, | 0 | | has got a tooth-ache. -------
------- | 1 | | 11. |—–|—–| i.e. Some x are y. i.e. Some one, who | | | has taken a walk, feels better. -------
------- | 1 | | i.e. Some x are y. i.e. Some one, 12. |—–|—–| whom I sent to bring me a kitten, | | | brought me a kettle by mistake. -------
--------------- | | 0 | | ---|--- | | | 0 | 0 | | 13. |-1-|---|---|---| ------- | | | | | | | 0 | | ---|--- | |---|---| | | 0 | | | | --------------- -------
Let “books” be
Universe; m="exciting”,
x="that suit feverish patients”; y="that
one drowsy”.
No m are x; &there4 No y’
are x.
All m’ are y.
i.e. No books suit feverish
patients, except such as make
one drowsy.