1. State Funds. The interest on the literary fund, the capitation tax, and a tax on property of one mill on the dollar.
2. County Funds. Such tax as the Board of Supervisors may levy for county school purposes; fines and penalties imposed on the Superintendent; donations, or the income arising therefrom.
3. District Funds. Such tax as the Board of Supervisors may levy for the purposes of the school district; fines and penalties imposed on district school officers and teachers; donations, or income arising therefrom.
The County or City Treasurer receives and pays out all school funds.
For explanation of literary fund, see page 37, and for capitation tax, see page 82. The tax of one mill on the dollar means a tax of one mill on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the property.
Certain fines and other money penalties may be imposed by the Board of Education or by the courts or county superintendents for failing or refusing to perform certain duties Such fines and penalties are added to the school fund for the county
When district school officers or teachers are fined for neglect of duty the money goes to the district fund. Donations are contributions or gifts from private individuals. If such gifts are real estate, the income arising therefrom is the rent of such real estate or the interest on the amount realized by its sale.
Must hold a certificate of qualification in full force, issued or approved by the Superintendent of Schools of the county or city within which he proposes to teach.
The law requires that a teacher must be at least eighteen years of age. If the teacher has the necessary education to pass the required examination, a certain maturity is necessary to insure good judgment in the government and discipline of the school.
The value and success of all government depend largely upon the character and ability of those in authority, and this is especially true in the government of the school.
For teachers’ certificates of qualification, see above under County and City Superintendents.
1. Who compose the Board of Education?
2. Name some of the duties of this board.
3. What is meant by nomination being subject to confirmation by the Senate?
4. What are school funds?
5. What are by-laws?
6. What are claims payable out of State Funds?
7. What important work is done at the meetings of teachers arranged by the State board of Education?
8. What very important duty has the State Board to perform in reference to books?
9. What are the general duties of the board?
10. How is the superintendent of public instruction chosen?
11. What is his salary?
12. What are his duties?
13. What is the public free school system?