Civil Government of Virginia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Civil Government of Virginia.

Civil Government of Virginia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Civil Government of Virginia.

8.  Of whom is the Common Council composed?

9.  Are members of this body permitted to hold any other office?

10.  What is a city charter?

11.  What do you understand by the powers of the mayor and the councilmen as justices being modified?

12.  What are wards?

13.  Name some of the powers of the council.

14.  What does creating corporate debt mean?

15.  What is a nuisance?

16.  What is the most important business of the council?

17.  How is the mayor of a city chosen, and what is his term of office?

18.  What are the mayor’s duties?

19.  What does suspending an officer mean?

20.  How is the city sergeant chosen, and what is his term of office?

21.  Name some of his duties.

22.  What does liability mean?

23.  What is the term of office of the commissioner of the revenue, the commonwealth’s attorney, and the treasurer?

24.  How long does the sheriff of Richmond City hold office?

25.  Name some of his duties.

26.  Who appoints superintendents of schools for cities?




Composed of the Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Attorney-General, three experienced educators elected from the faculties of certain State institutions, one City Superintendent of Schools, and one County Superintendent of Schools.  These eight constitute the State Board of Education, and their several powers and duties as members of the Board are identical except that the two division superintendents shall not participate in the appointment of any public school official.

This Board shall have the management and investment of school funds; make by-laws for its own government, and for carrying into effect the school laws; audit claims payable out of State funds; arrange for summer normal schools of teachers for instruction in processes of school organization, discipline, and management; select text-books and educational appliances for use in the public schools of the State; appoint (and remove), subject to confirmation by the Senate, all county and city superintendents, and regulate all matters arising in the practical administration of the school system not otherwise provided for.

The three State officers are ex officio members of the Board.  The three experienced educators are elected quadrennially by the Senate from a list of eligibles consisting of one from each of the faculties and nominated by the respective boards of visitors or trustees of the University of Virginia, the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, the State Female Normal School at Danville, the School for the Deaf and Blind, and also of the College of William and Mary so long as the State continues its annual appropriation to the last-named institution.  The city and county superintendents are selected by the other six members for terms of two years each.

Project Gutenberg
Civil Government of Virginia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.