Civil Government of Virginia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Civil Government of Virginia.

Civil Government of Virginia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Civil Government of Virginia.

9.  What is legal advice?

10.  What does prosecuting criminals mean?

11.  What is a witness?

12.  What are the qualifications of an attorney-at-law?

13.  Define license and qualify.

14.  Who may practice law in Virginia?

15.  Define duly authorized and prescribed license fee.

16.  What are the qualifications of jurors?

17.  What classes of persons are exempt from jury service?

18.  How are juries in civil and misdemeanor cases chosen?

19.  Describe the system of choosing or selecting by lot.

20.  How many persons constitute a jury?

21.  How are juries in cases of felony chosen?

22.  What do you understand by challenging a juror?

23.  What does summon mean?

24.  What does a grand jury consist of?

25.  What is a special grand jury?

26.  What are the duties of grand jurors?

27.  What does present mean?

28.  What is the duty of the foreman of the grand jury?

29.  What is an oath?

30.  How many kinds of grand juries are there?

31.  What is the compensation of grand jurors?

32.  What does a petit jury consist of?

33.  What are the duties of a petit jury?

34.  What do you understand by rendering a verdict according to the law and evidence?


County organization.


Organized by the General Assembly under the provisions of the

Objects.  Convenience in administering justice and transacting local business.

Each county shall maintain at the county seat a court-house, clerk’s office, and jail.

Counties are organized—­that is, formed and invested with powers of government—­by the General Assembly.  The Assembly may form new counties out of other counties or parts of other counties, but the Constitution of Virginia directs that “no new county shall be formed with an area of less than six hundred square miles,” and that the county or counties from which a new one is formed shall not be reduced below an area of six hundred square miles.

The convenience of having the State divided into counties may easily be seen.  If there were no counties most of the people would have to go long distances to the State capital in order to have important business attended to.  County organization brings the advantages of government and the administration of justice nearer the homes of all the people.

The county seat is the chief town of the county, where the public business of the county is chiefly transacted.  The court-house is the building in which judges sit for the trial of cases.  The jail of the county is the prison in which persons convicted of minor (trifling) offences are detained for punishment, and in which persons charged with serious crimes are held in custody until trial.  Persons after trial and conviction for serious crimes are sent to the penitentiary.

Project Gutenberg
Civil Government of Virginia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.