Civil Government of Virginia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Civil Government of Virginia.

Civil Government of Virginia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Civil Government of Virginia.

Internal improvements are public works of various kinds for the improvement of the State, such as railroads, canals, highways.  Money of the State may be invested in the capital of corporations carrying on internal improvements, and it is the duty of the Corporation Commission to watch and protect the interests of the State in such undertakings.

For this purpose the Commission appoints directors and proxies to act in such companies.  A proxy is a person appointed as a substitute for another.  Proxies are appointed to represent and vote for the State at meetings of corporations for internal improvements, in which the State holds stock.

A toll is a charge made for passing certain canals, bridges, etc.  The Commission has the power to fix the amount of toll when it is not specified in the charter of the canal or bridge company.

Superintendent of the Penitentiary.

Appointed.  By the Board of Penitentiary Directors for term of four years.  Salary, $1,600.

Duties.  Shall reside at the Penitentiary and be its chief executive officer; shall have control and custody of the property of the Penitentiary; shall employ a guard; shall report quarterly to the Governor, and monthly and annually to the Board of Directors.

The penitentiary is the State prison at Richmond in which persons convicted in the State courts are imprisoned.

The guard is a body of men employed at the prison by the superintendent to prevent prisoners from escaping and to suppress rebellion by the prisoners if attempted.  The Board of Directors is the board or body of men who have the management of the penitentiary.  They are also appointed by the governor.

Superintendent of Public Printing.

Elected.  By the General Assembly for term of four years.  Salary, $1,500.

Duties.  Must be a practical printer; shall have the supervision and management of the public printing and binding of the Commonwealth; shall report annually to the Governor, and biennially to the General Assembly.

The numerous public departments and offices of the State require to have a great deal of printing done.  The acts passed by the General Assembly, the reports of public boards and of public officers, and the proceedings and decisions of some of the courts have to be printed and bound into books.  It is the duty of the superintendent of public printing to make contracts for such work and all other printing and binding required for State purposes, and to see that it is properly done.

Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration.

Elected.  By the people at the General Election for term of four years.  Salary, $2,000.

Duties.  Subject to the Board of Agriculture and Immigration, he shall be the executive officer of the Department; shall examine and test fertilizers, collect mining and manufacturing statistics, establish a museum of agricultural and horticultural products, woods and minerals of the State; shall investigate matters pertaining to agriculture, the cultivation of crops, and the prevention of injury to them; shall distribute seeds; shall disseminate such information relating to the soil, climate, natural resources, markets, and industries of the State as may attract capital and induce immigration.

Project Gutenberg
Civil Government of Virginia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.