The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.

The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.

Odds, above the—­Beyond the average; outside the pale. 
Oopizootics—­An undiagnosed complaint. 
Orfis (office)—­A warning; a word of advice; a hint. 
Oricle (oracle), to work the—­To secure desired results. 
Orl (all in)—­Without limit or restriction. 
’Ot socks—­Gaily—­coloured hose. 
Out, to—­To render unconscious with a blow. 
Out, all—­Quite exhausted; fully extended.

Pack, to send to the—­To relegate to obscurity. 
Pal—­A friend; a mate (Gipsy). 
Pard—­A partner; a mate. 
Pass (pass ’im one)—­To deliver a blow. 
Pat [Malone] on one’s—­Alone; single-handed. 
Peach—­A desirable young woman; “fresh as a peach.” 
Peb (pebble)—­A flash fellow; a “larrikin.” 
Phiz—­The face. 
Pick at—­To chaff; to annoy
Pick—­up, to—­To dispense with the ceremony of a “knock—­down” or
Pile it on—­To rant; to exaggerate. 
Pilot Cove—­A clergyman. 
Pinch—­To steal; to place under arrest. 
Pip—­A fit of depression. 
Pitch a tale—­To trump up an excuse; to weave a romance. 
Plant—­To bury. 
Plug—­To smite with the fist. 
Plug along, to—­To proceed doggedly. 
Plunk—­An exclamation expressing the impact of a blow. 
Point, to—­To seize unfair advantage; to scheme. 
Podgy—­Fat; plump. 
Point—­The region of the jaw; much sought after by pugilists. 
Pot, the old—­The male parent (from “Rhyming Slang,”) the
              “old pot and pan”—­the “old man.” 
Pot, a—­A considerable amount; as a “pot of money.” 
Pole, up the—­Distraught through anger, fear, etc.; also,
              disappeared, vanished. 
Prad—­A horse. 
Pug—­A pugilist. 
Pull, to take a—­To desist; to discontinue. 
Punch a cow—­To conduct a team of oxen. 
Punter—­The natural prey of a “bookie,” q.v. 
Push—­A company of rowdy fellows gathered together for ungentle

Queer the pitch—­To frustrate; to fool. 
Quid—­A sovereign, or pound sterling. 

Rabbit, to run the—­To convey liquor from a public-house. 
Rag, to chew the—­To grieve; to brood. 
Rag, to sky the—­To throw a towel into the air in token of
               surrender (pugilism). 
Rain, to keep out of the—­To avoid danger; to act with caution. 
Rat—­A street urchin; a wharf loafer. 
Rattled—­Excited; confused. 
Red lot—­Extreme; out—­and—­out. 
Registry—­The office of a Registrar. 
Ribuck——­Correct, genuine; an interjection signifying assent. 
Rile—­To annoy.  Riled—­Roused to anger. 
Ring, the—­The arena of a prize-fight. 
Ring, the dead—­A remarkable likeness. 
Rise, a—­An accession of fortune; an improvement. 
Rocks—­A locality in Sydney. 
Rorty—­Boisterous; rowdy. 
Roust, or Rouse—­To upbraid with many words. 
’Roy—­Fitzroy, a suburb of Melbourne; its football team. 
Run against—­To meet more or less unexpectedly.

Project Gutenberg
The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.