The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.

The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.

Jab—­To strike smartly. 
Jane—­A woman. 
Jiff—­A very brief period. 
Job, to—­To smite. 
Joes—­Melancholy thoughts. 
John—­A policeman. 
Joint, to jump the—­To assume command; to occupy the “joint,”
          i.e., establishment, situation, place of business. 
Jolt, to pass a—­To deliver a short, sharp blow. 
Jor—­The jaw. 
Jorb (Job)—­Avocation; employment. 
Josser—­A simple fellow. 
Jug—­A prison.

Keeps, for—­For ever; permanently. 
Kid—­A child. 
Kid, to—­To deceive; to persuade by flattery. 
Kid Stakes—­Pretence. 
King Pin—­The leader; the person of chief importance. 
Kip—­A small chip used for tossing pennies in the occult game
          of two—­up. 
Kipsie—­A house; the home. 
Knob—­The head; one in authority. 
Knock-down—­A ceremony insisted upon by ladies who decline
             to be “picked up”; a formal introduction. 
Knock-out drops—­Drugged or impure liquor. 
Knock-out punch—­A knock—­down blow. 
Knot—­A fop; a well—­dressed idler.

Lark—­A practical joke; a sportive jest. 
Leery—­Vulgar; low. 
Leeuwin—­Cape Leeuwin on the south-west coast of Australia. 
Lid—­The hat. 
 To dip the lid—­To raise the hat. 
Limit—­The end; the full length. 
Line up—­To approach; to accost. 
 To give it lip—­To talk vociferously. 
Little Bourke—­Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, Australia. 
Little Lon.—­Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Australia. 
Lob, to—­To arrive. 
’Loo—­Woolloomooloo, a part of Sydney. 
Lumme—­Love me. 
Lurk—­A plan of action; a regular occupation.

Mafeesh—­Finish; I am finished. [Arabic “there is no..”]
Mag—­To scold or talk noisily. 
Mallee—­A species of Eucalypt; the country where the Mallee grows. 
Mash—­To woo; to pay court. s.  A lover. 
Maul—­To lay hands upon, either violently or with affection. 
Meet, a—­An assignation. 
Mill—­A bout of fisticuffs. 
Mix—­To mix it; to fight strenuously. 
Mizzle—­To disappear; to depart suddenly. 
Mo—­An abbreviation of “moment.” 
Moll—­A woman of loose character. 
Moniker—­A name; a title; a signature. 
Mooch—­To saunter about aimlessly. 
Moon—­To loiter. 
Mud, my name is—­i.e., I am utterly discredited. 
Mug—­A fool; also the mouth. 
Mug, to—­To kiss. 
Mullock, to poke—­To deride; to tease. 

Nark—­s.  A spoil—­sport; a churlish fellow. 
Nark, to—­To annoy; to foil. 
Narked—­Angered; foiled. 
Neck, to get it in the—­To receive severe punishment;
         i.e., “Where the chicken got the axe.” 
Nerve—­Confidence; impudence. 
Nick—­Physical condition; good health. 
Nipper—­A small boy. 
Nose around, to—­To seek out inquisitively. 
Nothing (ironically)—­Literally “something considerable.”

Project Gutenberg
The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.