Stories to Tell to Children eBook

Sara Cone Bryant
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Stories to Tell to Children.

Stories to Tell to Children eBook

Sara Cone Bryant
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Stories to Tell to Children.

“Why don’t the people come to see me?” he shouted.

High up on the church steeple, the Weather-vane answered, “It is no time for people to be in the streets; decent folk are in their beds.”

“Then I’ll go to the woods, so that the animals may see me,” said Little Jack.  “Come along, old Moon, and make a light!”

The good Moon went along and made a light, and they came to the forest.  “Roll! roll!” cried the little boy; and the trundle-bed went trundling among the trees in the great wood, scaring up the chipmunks and startling the little leaves on the trees.  The poor old Moon began to have a bad time of it, for the tree-trunks got in his way so that he could not go so fast as the bed, and every time he got behind, the little boy called, “Hurry up, old Moon, I want the beasts to see me!”

But all the animals were asleep, and nobody at all looked at Little Jack Rollaround except an old White Owl; and all she said was, “Who are you?”

The little boy did not like her, so he blew harder, and the trundle-bed boat went sailing through the forest till it came to the end of the world.

“I must go home now; it is late,” said the Moon.

“I will go with you; make a path!” said Little Jack Rollaround.

The kind Moon made a path up to the sky, and up sailed the little bed into the midst of the sky.  All the little bright Stars were there with their nice little lamps.  And when he saw them, that naughty Little Jack Rollaround began to tease.  “Out of the way, there!  I am coming!” he shouted, and sailed the trundle-bed boat straight at them.  He bumped the little Stars right and left, all over the sky, until every one of them put his little lamp out and left it dark.

“Do not treat the little Stars so,” said the good Moon.

But Jack Rollaround only behaved the worse:  “Get out of the way, old Moon!” he shouted, “I am coming!”

And he steered the little trundle-bed boat straight into the old Moon’s face, and bumped his nose!

This was too much for the good Moon; he put out his big light, all at once, and left the sky pitch-black.

“Make a light, old Moon!  Make a light!” shouted the little boy.  But the Moon answered never a word, and Jack Rollaround could not see where to steer.  He went rolling criss-cross, up and down, all over the sky, knocking into the planets and stumbling into the clouds, till he did not know where he was.

Suddenly he saw a big yellow light at the very edge of the sky.  He thought it was the Moon.  “Look out, I am coming!” he cried, and steered for the light.

But it was not the kind old Moon at all; it was the great mother Sun, just coming up out of her home in the sea, to begin her day’s work.

“Aha, youngster, what are you doing in my sky?” she said.  And she picked Little Jack Rollaround up and threw him, trundle-bed boat and all, into the middle of the sea!

Project Gutenberg
Stories to Tell to Children from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.