Tom Swift in the City of Gold, or, Marvelous Adventures Underground eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about Tom Swift in the City of Gold, or, Marvelous Adventures Underground.

Tom Swift in the City of Gold, or, Marvelous Adventures Underground eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about Tom Swift in the City of Gold, or, Marvelous Adventures Underground.

As for these same sights they possessed no attractions for the two lads at present.  They were too intent on learning whether or not their suspicions regarding the Fogers were correct.

“Now if they are on board,” said Tom, as they made their way to the purser’s office, “it only means one thing—­that they’re following us to get at the secret of the city of gold,” and Tom whispered this last, even though there seemed to be no one within hearing, for nearly all the passengers were up on deck.

“That’s right,” agreed Ned.  “Of course there’s a bare chance, if those two were the Fogers, that Mr. Foger is going off to try and make another fortune.  But more than likely they’re on our trail, Tom.”

“If it’s them—­yes.”

“Hum, Foger—­no, I don’t think I havs any passengers of that name,” said the purser slowly, when Tom had put the question.  “Let’s see, Farday, Fenton, Figaro, Flannigan, Ford, Foraham, Fredericks—­those are all the names in the ‘Fs’.  No Fogers among them.  Why, are you looking for some friends of yours, boys?”

“Not exactly friends,” replied Tom slowly, “but we know them, and we thought we saw them come aboard, so we wanted to make sure.”

“They might be under some other name,” suggested Ned.

“Yes, that is sometimes done,” admitted the purser with a quick glance at the two lads, “It’s done when a criminal wants to throw the police off his track, or, occasionally, when a celebrated person wants to avoid the newspaper reporters.  But I hardly think that—­”

“Oh, I don’t believe they’d do it,” said Tom quickly.  He saw at once that the suspicions of the purser had been aroused, and the official might set on foot inquiries that would be distasteful to the two lads and Mr. Damon.  Then, too, if the Fogers were on board under some other name, they would hear of the questions that had been put regarding them, and if they were on a legitimate errand they could make it unpleasant for Tom.

“I don’t believe they’d do anything like that,” the young inventor repeated.

“Well, you can look over the passenger list soon,” said the purser.  “I’m going to post it in the main saloon.  But perhaps if you described the persons you are looking for I could help you out.  I have met nearly all the passengers already.”

“Mr. Foger is a big man, with a florid complexion and he has a heavy brown moustache,” said Ned.

“And Andy has red hair, and he squints,” added Tom.

“No such persons on board,” declared the official positively.  “It’s true we have several persons who squint, but no one with red hair—­ I’m sure of it.”

“Then they’re not here,” declared Ned.  “No, we must have been mistaken,” agreed Tom, and there was relief in his tone.  It was bad enough to have to search for a hidden city of gold, and perhaps have to deal with the head-hunters, without having to fight off another enemy from their trail.

Project Gutenberg
Tom Swift in the City of Gold, or, Marvelous Adventures Underground from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.