The Bride of Lammermoor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 468 pages of information about The Bride of Lammermoor.

The Bride of Lammermoor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 468 pages of information about The Bride of Lammermoor.
is young, timid, and conscious of an important engagement assumed without her mother’s sanction; yet she should remember with whom it has been assumed, and leave me no reason to suspect that she is ashamed of her choice.  For the Keeper, sense, spirit, and expression seem to have left his face and manner since he had the first glimpse of Lady Ashton’s carriage.  I must watch how this is to end; and, if they give me reason to think myself an unwelcome guest, my visit is soon abridged.”

With these suspicions floating on his mind, he left the terrace, and walking towards the stables of the castle, gave directions that his horse should be kept in readiness, in case he should have occasion to ride abroad.

In the mean while, the drivers of the two carriages, the approach of which had occasioned so much dismay at the castle, had become aware of each other’s presence, as they approached upon different lines to the head of the avenue, as a ocmmon centre.  Lady Ashton’s driver and postilions instantly received orders to get foremost, if possible, her ladyship being desirous of despatching her first interview with her husband before the arrival of these guests, whoever they might happen to be.  On the other hand, the coachman of the Marquis, conscious of his own dignity and that of his master, and observing the rival charioteer was mending his pace, resolved, like a true brother of the whip, whether ancient or modern, to vindicate his right of precedence.  So that, to increase the confusion of the Lord Keeper’s understanding, he saw the short time which remained for consideration abridged by the haste of the contending coachmen, who, fixing their eyes sternly on each other, and applying the lash smartly to their horses, began to thunder down the descent with emulous rapidity, while the horsemen who attended them were forced to put on to a hand-gallop.

Sir William’s only chance now remaining was the possibility of an overturn, and that his lady or visitor might break their necks.  I am not aware that he formed any distinct wish on the subject, but I have no reason to think that his grief in either case would have been altogether inconsolable.  This chance, however, also disappeared; for Lady Ashton, though insensible to fear, began to see the ridicule of running a race with a visitor of distinction, the goal being the portal of her own castle, and commanded her coachman, as they approached the avenue, to slacken his pace, and allow precedence to the stranger’s equipage; a command which he gladly obeyed, as coming in time to save his honour, the horses of the Marquis’s carriage being better, or, at least, fresher than his own.  He restrained his pace, therefore, and suffered the green coach to enter the avenue, with all its retinue, which pass it occupied with the speed of a whirlwind.  The Marquis’s laced charioteer no sooner found the pas d’avance was granted to him than he resumed a more deliberate pace, at which he advanced under the embowering shade of the lofty elms, surrounded by all the attendants; while the carriage of Lady Ashton followed, still more slowly, at some distance.

Project Gutenberg
The Bride of Lammermoor from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.