The Bride of Lammermoor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 468 pages of information about The Bride of Lammermoor.

The Bride of Lammermoor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 468 pages of information about The Bride of Lammermoor.

“I think,” he said, “the Master has treated me unlike a gentleman, and I see no right he had to send me back a cavalier answer when I demanded the satisfaction of one.  But he gave me my life once; and, in looking the matter over at present, I put myself but on equal terms with him.  Should he cross me again, I shall consider the old accompt as balanced, and his Mastership will do well to look to himself.”

“That he should,” re-echoed Craigengelt; “for when you are in practice, Bucklaw, I would bet a magnum you are through him before the third pass.”

“Then you know nothing of the matter,” said Bucklaw, “and you never saw him fence.”

“And I know nothing of the matter?” said the dependant—­“a good jest, I promise you!  And though I never saw Ravenswood fence, have I not been at Monsieur Sagoon’s school, who was the first maitre d’armes at Paris; and have I not been at Signor Poco’s at Florence, and Meinheer Durchstossen’s at Vienna, and have I not seen all their play?”

“I don’t know whether you have or not,” said Bucklaw; “but what about it, though you had?”

“Only that I will be d—­d if ever I saw French, Italian, or High-Dutchman ever make foot, hand, and eye keep time half so well as you, Bucklaw.”

“I believe you lie, Craigie,” said Bucklaw; “however, I can hold my own, both with single rapier, backsword, sword and dagger, broadsword, or case of falchions—­and that’s as much as any gentleman need know of the matter.”

“And the doubt of what ninety-nine out of a hundred know,” said Craigengelt; “they learn to change a few thrusts with the small sword, and then, forsooth, they understand the noble art of defence!  Now, when I was at Rouen in the year 1695, there was a Chevalier de Chapon and I went to the opera, where we found three bits of English birkies——­” “Is it a long story you are going to tell?” said Bucklaw, interrupting him without ceremony.

“Just as you like,” answered the parasite, “for we made short work of it.”

“Then I like it short,” said Bucklaw.  “Is it serious or merry?”

“Devilish serious, I assure you, and so they found it; for the Chevalier and I——­”

“Then I don’t like it at all,” said Bucklaw; “so fill a brimmer of my auld auntie’s claret, rest her heart!  And, as the Hielandman says, Skioch doch na skiall.”

“That was what tough old Sir Even Dhu used to say to me when I was out with the metall’d lads in 1689.  ‘Craigengelt,’ he used to say, ’you are as pretty a fellow as ever held steel in his grip, but you have one fault.’”

“If he had known you as long as I have don,” said Bucklaw, “he would have found out some twenty more; but hand long stories, give us your toast, man.”

Craigengelt rose, went a-tiptoe to the door, peeped out, shut it carefully, came back again, clapped his tarnished gold-laced hat on one side of his head, took his glass in one hand, and touching the hilt of his hanger with the other, named, “The King over the water.”

Project Gutenberg
The Bride of Lammermoor from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.