Anne of Avonlea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about Anne of Avonlea.

Anne of Avonlea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about Anne of Avonlea.

“That’s my contribution to painting the hall,” she gasped.  “I’d like to give you a dollar but I don’t dare take more from my egg money for Eliza would find it out if I did.  I’m real interested in your society and I believe you’re going to do a lot of good.  I’m an optimist.  I have to be, living with Eliza.  I must hurry back before she misses me . . . she thinks I’m feeding the hens.  I hope you’ll have good luck canvassing, and don’t be cast down over what Eliza said.  The world is getting better . . . it certainly is.”

The next house was Daniel Blair’s.

“Now, it all depends on whether his wife is home or not,” said Diana, as they jolted along a deep-rutted lane.  “If she is we won’t get a cent.  Everybody says Dan Blair doesn’t dare have his hair cut without asking her permission; and it’s certain she’s very close, to state it moderately.  She says she has to be just before she’s generous.  But Mrs. Lynde says she’s so much ‘before’ that generosity never catches up with her at all.”

Anne related their experience at the Blair place to Marilla that evening.

“We tied the horse and then rapped at the kitchen door.  Nobody came but the door was open and we could hear somebody in the pantry, going on dreadfully.  We couldn’t make out the words but Diana says she knows they were swearing by the sound of them.  I can’t believe that of Mr. Blair, for he is always so quiet and meek; but at least he had great provocation, for Marilla, when that poor man came to the door, red as a beet, with perspiration streaming down his face, he had on one of his wife’s big gingham aprons.  ‘I can’t get this durned thing off,’ he said, ’for the strings are tied in a hard knot and I can’t bust ’em, so you’ll have to excuse me, ladies.’  We begged him not to mention it and went in and sat down.  Mr. Blair sat down too; he twisted the apron around to his back and rolled it up, but he did look so ashamed and worried that I felt sorry for him, and Diana said she feared we had called at an inconvenient time.  ‘Oh, not at all,’ said Mr. Blair, trying to smile . . . you know he is always very polite . . .  ’I’m a little busy . . . getting ready to bake a cake as it were.  My wife got a telegram today that her sister from Montreal is coming tonight and she’s gone to the train to meet her and left orders for me to make a cake for tea.  She writ out the recipe and told me what to do but I’ve clean forgot half the directions already.  And it says, ‘flavor according to taste.’  What does that mean?  How can you tell?  And what if my taste doesn’t happen to be other people’s taste?  Would a tablespoon of vanilla be enough for a small layer cake?”

Project Gutenberg
Anne of Avonlea from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.