Manon Lescaut eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Manon Lescaut.

Manon Lescaut eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Manon Lescaut.

“In spite of the cruellest inflictions of Fate, I derived comfort from her looks, and from the conviction that I now possessed her undivided affection.  I had in truth lost all that other men value; but I was the master of Manon’s heart, the only possession that I prized.  Whether in Europe or in America, of what moment to me was the place of my abode, provided I might live happy in the society of my mistress?  Is not the universe the residence of two fond and faithful lovers?  Does not each find in the other, father, mother, friends, relations, riches, felicity?

“If anything caused me uneasiness, it was the fear of seeing Manon exposed to want.  I fancied myself already with her in a barbarous country, inhabited by savages. `I am quite certain,’ said I, `there will be none there more cruel than G——­ M——­ and my father.  They will, at least, allow us to live in peace.  If the accounts we read of savages be true, they obey the laws of nature:  they neither know the mean rapacity of avarice, nor the false and fantastic notions of dignity, which have raised me up an enemy in my own father.  They will not harass and persecute two lovers, when they see us adopt their own simple habits.’  I was therefore at ease upon that point.

“But my romantic ideas were not formed with a proper view to the ordinary wants of life.  I had too often found that there were necessaries which could not be dispensed with, particularly by a young and delicate woman, accustomed to comfort and abundance.  I was in despair at having so fruitlessly emptied my purse, and the little money that now remained was about being forced from me by the rascally imposition of the gendarmes.  I imagined that a very trifling sum would suffice for our support for some time in America, where money was scarce, and might also enable me to form some undertaking there for our permanent establishment.

“This idea made me resolve on writing to Tiberge, whom I had ever found ready to hold out the generous hand of friendship.  I wrote from the first town we passed through.  I only alluded to the destitute condition in which I foresaw that I should find myself on arriving at Havre-de-Grace, to which place I acknowledged that I was accompanying Manon.  I asked him for only fifty pistoles. `You can remit it to me,’ said I to him, `through the hands of the postmaster.  You must perceive that it is the last time I can by possibility trespass on your friendly kindness; and my poor unhappy mistress being about to be exiled from her country for ever, I cannot let her depart without supplying her with some few comforts, to soften the sufferings of her lot, as well as to assuage my own sorrows.’

Project Gutenberg
Manon Lescaut from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.