Manon Lescaut eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Manon Lescaut.

Manon Lescaut eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Manon Lescaut.

“We went in the same coach.  I supported her in my arms.  I had not heard her utter a single word since G——­ M——­’s first appearance:  but now, finding herself alone with me, she addressed me in the tenderest manner, and accused herself of being the cause of all my troubles.  I assured her that I never could complain, while she continued to love me. `It is not I that have reason to complain,’ I added; `imprisonment for a few months has no terrors for me, and I would infinitely prefer Le Chatelet to St. Lazare; but it is for you, my dearest soul, that my heart bleeds.  What a lot for such an angel!  How can you, gracious Heaven! subject to such rigour the most perfect work of your own hands?  Why are we not both of us born with qualities conformable to our wretched condition?  We are endowed with spirit, with taste, with feeling; while the vilest of God’s creatures—­brutes, alone worthy of our unhappy fate, are revelling in all the favours of fortune.’

“These feelings filled me with grief; but it was bliss compared with my prospects for the future.  My fear, on account of Manon, knew no bounds.  She had already been an inmate of the Magdalen; and even if she had left it by fair means, I knew that a relapse of this nature would be attended with disastrous consequences.  I wished to let her know my fears:  I was apprehensive of exciting hers.  I trembled for her, without daring to put her on her guard against the danger; and I embraced her tenderly, to satisfy her, at least, of my love, which was almost the only sentiment to which I dared to give expression. `Manon,’ said I, `tell me sincerely, will you ever cease to love me?’

“She answered, that it made her unhappy to think that I could doubt it.

“`Very well,’ replied I, `I do so no longer; and with this conviction, I may well defy all my enemies.  Through the influence of my family, I can ensure my own liberation from the Chatelet; and my life will be of little use, and of short duration, if I do not succeed in rescuing you.’

“We arrived at the prison, where they put us into separate cells.  This blow was the less severe, because I was prepared for it.  I recommended Manon to the attention of the porter, telling him that I was a person of some distinction, and promising him a considerable recompense.  I embraced my dearest mistress before we parted; I implored her not to distress herself too much, and to fear nothing while I lived.  I had money with me:  I gave her some; and I paid the porter, out of what remained, the amount of a month’s expenses for both of us in, advance.  This had an excellent effect, for I found myself placed in an apartment comfortably furnished, and they assured me that Manon was in one equally good.

Project Gutenberg
Manon Lescaut from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.