Manon Lescaut eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Manon Lescaut.

Manon Lescaut eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Manon Lescaut.

“The girl who had brought the letter, seeing me about to depart, asked me what I wished her to say to M. G——­ M——­, and to the lady who was with him?  At this question, I stepped back again into the room, and by one of those unaccountable transitions that are only known to the victims of violent passion, I passed in an instant from the state of subdued tranquillity which I have just described, into an ungovernable fury `Away!’ said I to her, `tell the traitor G——­ M——­and his abandoned mistress the state of despair into which your accursed mission has cast me; but warn them that it shall not be long a source of amusement to them, and that my own hands shall be warmed with the heart’s blood of both!’ I sank back upon a chair; my hat fell on one side, and my cane upon the other:  torrents of bitter tears rolled down my cheeks.  The paroxysm of rage changed into a profound and silent grief:  I did nothing but weep and sigh. `Approach, my child, approach,’ said I to the young girl; `approach, since it is you they have sent to bring me comfort; tell me whether you have any balm to administer for the pangs of despair and rage—­any argument to offer against the crime of self-destruction, which I have resolved upon, after ridding the world of two perfidious monsters.  Yes, approach,’ continued I, perceiving that she advanced with timid and doubtful steps; `come and dry my sorrows; come and restore peace to my mind; come and tell me that at least you love me:  you are handsome—­I may perhaps love you in return.’  The poor child, who was only sixteen or seventeen years of age, and who appeared more modest than girls of her class generally are, was thunderstruck at this unusual scene.  She however gently approached to caress me, when with uplifted hands I rudely repulsed her. `What do you wish with me?’ exclaimed I to her. `Ah! you are a woman, and of a sex I abhor, and can no longer tolerate; the very gentleness of your look threatens me with some new treason.  Go, leave me here alone!’ She made me a curtsy without uttering a word, and turned to go out.  I called to her to stop:  `Tell me at least,’ said I, `wherefore—­ how—­with what design they sent you here? how did you discover my name, or the place where you could find me?’

“She told me that she had long known M. G——­ M——­; that he had sent for her that evening about five o’clock; and that, having followed the servant who had been dispatched to her, she was shown into a large house, where she found him playing at picquet with a beautiful young woman; and that they both charged her to deliver the letter into my hands, after telling her that she would find me in a hackney-coach at the bottom of the street of St. Andre.  I asked if they had said nothing more.  She blushed while she replied, that they had certainly made her believe that I should be glad of her society. `They have deceived you too,’ said I, `my poor girl—­they have deceived you; you are a woman, and probably wish for a lover; but you must find one who is rich and happy, and it is not here you will find him.  Return, return to M. G——­ M——­; he possesses everything requisite to make a man beloved.  He has furnished houses and equipages to bestow, while I, who have nothing but constancy of love to offer, am despised for my poverty, and laughed at for my simplicity.’

Project Gutenberg
Manon Lescaut from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.