Manon Lescaut eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Manon Lescaut.

Manon Lescaut eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Manon Lescaut.

“We took a furnished apartment at Paris, in the Rue V——­, and, as it afterwards turned out, to my sorrow, close to the house of M. de B——­, the famous Fermier-general.  Three weeks passed, during which I was so absorbed in my passion, that I never gave a thought to my family, nor dreamed of the distress which my father probably felt at my absence.  However, as there was yet nothing of profligacy about me, and as Manon conducted herself with the strictest propriety, the tranquil life we led served to restore me by degrees to a sense of duty.

“I resolved to effect, if possible, a reconciliation with my parent.  My mistress was to me so perfectly lovable, that I could not a doubt her power of captivating my father, if I could only find the means of making him acquainted with her good conduct and merit.  In a word, I relied on obtaining his consent to our marriage, having given up all idea of accomplishing it without his approval.  I mentioned the project to Manon, and explained to her that, besides every motive of filial love and duty, the weightier one of necessity should also have some influence; for our finances were sadly reduced, and I began to see the folly of thinking them, as I once did, inexhaustible.

“Manon received the proposition with considerable coldness.  However, the difficulties she made, being apparently the suggestions of tenderness alone, or as arising from the natural fear of losing me, if my father, after learning our address, should refuse his assent to our union, I had not the smallest suspicion of the cruel blow she was at the very time preparing to inflict.  As to the argument of necessity, she replied that we had still abundant means of living for some weeks longer, and that she would then find a resource in the kindness of some relations in the country, to whom she should write.  She tempered her opposition by caresses so tender and impassioned, that I, who lived only for her, and who never had the slightest misgiving as to her love, applauded at once her arguments and her resolutions.

“To Manon I had committed the care of our finances, and the house-hold arrangements.  In a short time, I observed that our style of living was improved, and that she had treated herself to more expensive dresses.  As I calculated that we could hardly have at this period more than fifteen or twenty crowns remaining, I did not conceal my surprise at this mysterious augmentation of our wealth.  She begged of me, with a smile, to give myself no trouble on that head. `Did I not promise you,’ said she, `that I would find resources?’ I loved her too purely to experience the slightest suspicion.

Project Gutenberg
Manon Lescaut from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.