The Sea-Witch eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about The Sea-Witch.

The Sea-Witch eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about The Sea-Witch.

There was a quiet and orderly mien about the deck and among the watch, that spoke of the silent yet potent arm of authority.  The men spoke to each other now and then, but it was in an under tone, and there was no open levity.  A few men were lounging about the heel of the bowsprit on the forecastle, one or two were busy in the waist coiling cable; an officer of second or third caste a quiet, but decided character, to judge from his features, stood with folded arms just abaft the mizzen-mast, and a youthful figure, almost too young seemingly for so responsible a post, leaned idly against the monkey-rail, near the sage old tar who was at the helm.  At first you might have supposed him a supercargo, an owner’s son as passenger, or something of that sort, from the quite-at-home air he exhibited; but now and then he cast one of those searching and understanding glances aloft and fore and aft, taking in the whole range of the ship’s trim, and the way she did her duty, that you realized at once the fact of his position; and you could not mistake the fact that he was her commander.

He wore a glazed tarpaulin hat of coarse texture, and his dress was of little better material than that of the crew he commanded, but it set it somehow quite jauntily upon his fine, well-developed form, and there was an unmistakable air of conscious authority about him that showed him to be no stranger to control, or the position which he filled.  The hair, escaping in glossy curls from beneath his hat, added to a set of very regular features a fine effect, while a clear, full blue eye, and an open, ingenuous expression of countenance, told of manliness of heart and chivalric hardihood of character.  Exposure to the elements had bronzed his skin, but there were no wrinkles there, and Captain Will Ratlin could not have seen more than two and twenty years, though most of them had doubtless been passed upon the ocean, for his well-knit form showed him to be one thoroughly inured to service.

“She does her work daintily, Captain Ratlin,” said he who was evidently an officer, and who had been standing by the mainmast, but now walked aft.

“Yes, Mr. Faulkner, ‘daintily’ is the word.  I wish our beauty could be a little more spunky, time is money in our business, sir,” was the prompt reply.

“But the willing craft does all she can, sir.”

“I don’t know, Mr. Faulkner, we can make her do almost anything.”

“But talk,” added the mate.

“Ay, she will do that in her own way, and eloquently, too,” continued his superior.

“In coming out of Matanzas, when you made her back and fill like a saddle horse, I thought she was little less than a human being,” said the mate, honestly.

“She minds her helm like a beauty, and feels the slightest pull upon her sheets.”

“I never saw a vessel lie closer to the wind,” said the mate; “she eats right into it, and yet has not shaken a foot of canvass this half hour.”

Project Gutenberg
The Sea-Witch from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.