Angel Island eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about Angel Island.

Angel Island eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about Angel Island.

The Camp had changed.  The original cabins had spread by an addition of one or two or three to sprawling bungalow size.  Not an atom of their wooden structure showed.  Blocks of green, cubes of color, only open doorways and windows betrayed that they were dwelling-places.  A tide of tropical jungle beat in waves of green with crests of rainbow up to the very walls.  There it was met by a backwash of the vines which embowered the cabins, by a stream of blossoms which flooded and cascaded down their sides.

The married ones stopped at the Camp.  But Billy and Julia continued up the beach.

“How did the work go to-day, Honey?” Lulu asked in a perfunctory tone as they moved away from the Playground.

“Fine!” Honey answered enthusiastically.

“You wait until you see Recreation Hall.”  He stopped to light his pipe.  “Lord, how I wish I had some real tobacco!  It’s going to be a corker.  We’ve decided to enlarge the plan by another three feet.”

“Have you really?” commented Lulu.  “Dear me, you’ve torn your shirt again.”

“Yes,” said Honey, puffing violently, “a nail.  And we’re going to have a tennis court at one side not a little squeezed-up affair like this — but a big, fine one.  We’re going to lay out a golf course, too.  That will be some job, Mrs. Holworthy D. Smith, and don’t you forget it.”

“Yes, I should think it would be,” agreed Lulu.  “Do you know, Honey, Clara’s an awful cat!  She’s dreadfully jealous of Peachy.  The things she says to her!  She knows Pete’s still half in love with her.  Peachy understands him on his art side as Clara can’t.  Clara simply hands it to Pete if he looks at Peachy.  Even when she knows that he knows, that we all know, that she tried her best to start a flirtation with you.”

“And to-day,” Honey interrupted eagerly, “we doped out a scheme for a series of canals to run right round the whole place — with gardens on the bank.  You see we can pipe the lake water and — — .”

“That will be great,” said Lulu, but there was no enthusiasm in her tone.  “And really, Honey, Peachy’s in a dreadful state of nerves.  Of course, she knows that Ralph is still crazy about Julia and always will be, just because Julia’s like a stone to him — oh, you know the kind of a man Ralph is.  The only woman you can depend on him to be faithful to is the one that won’t have him round.  I don’t think that bothers Peachy, though.  She adores Julia.  If she could fly a little while in the afternoon — an hour, say — I know it would cure her.”

“Too bad.  But, of course, we couldn’t let you girls fly again.  Besides, I doubt very much if, after so many cuttings, your wings would ever grow big enough.  You don’t realize it yourself, perhaps, but you’re much more healthy and normal without wings.”

“I don’t mind being without them so much myself” — Lulu’s tone was a little doubtful — “though I think they would help me with Honey-Boy and Honey-Bunch.  Sometimes — .”  She did not finish.

Project Gutenberg
Angel Island from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.