The Lights and Shadows of Real Life eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 650 pages of information about The Lights and Shadows of Real Life.

The Lights and Shadows of Real Life eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 650 pages of information about The Lights and Shadows of Real Life.


“By representing to the principals in this unhappy affair, the madness of seeking each other’s lives.  You can learn from Everett what kind of an apology, if any, will satisfy him, and then I can ascertain whether such an apology will be made.”

“You can do what you please in that way,” the friend of Everett replied.  “But I am not disposed to transcend my office.  Besides, I know that, as far as Everett is concerned, no apology will be accepted.  The insult was outrageous, involving a breach of confidence, and referring to a subject of the most painful, mortifying, and delicate nature.”

“I am really sorry to hear that both you and your friend are determined to push this matter to an issue, for I had hoped that an adjustment of the difficulty would be easy.”

“No adjustment can possibly take place.  Doctor Lane must fight, or be posted as a coward, and a scoundrel.”

“He holds himself ready to give Mr. Everett all the satisfaction he requires,” was the half-indignant reply.

“Then, of course, you are prepared to name the weapons; and the time and place of meeting?”

“I am not.  For so confident did I feel that it would only be necessary to see you to have all difficulties put in a train for adjustment, that I did not confer upon the subject of the preliminaries of the meeting.  But I will see you again, in the course of an hour, when I shall be ready to name them.”

“If you please.”  And then the seconds parted.

“I am afraid this meeting will take place in spite of all that I can do,” the friend of doctor Lane said, on returning after his interview with Everett’s second.  “The provocation which you gave last night is felt to be so great, that no apology can atone for it.”

“My blood probably will,—­and he can have that!” was the gloomy reply.

A troubled silence ensued, which was at last broken by the question,

“Have you decided, doctor, upon the weapons to be used?”

“Pistols, I suppose,” was the answer.

“Have you practised much?”

“Me!  No.  I don’t know that I ever fired a pistol in my life.”

“But Everett is said to be a good shot.”

“So much the worse for me.  That is all.”

“You have the liberty of choosing some other weapon.  One with which you are familiar.”

“I am familiar with no kind of deadly weapons.”

“Then you will stand a poor chance, my friend; unless you name the day of meeting next week, and practise a good deal in the meantime.”

“I shall do no such thing.  Do you suppose, that if I fight with Everett, I shall try to kill him?  No.  I would not hurt a hair of his head.  I am no murderer!”

“Then you go out under the existence of a fatal inequality.”

“I cannot help that.  It is my misfortune.  I did not send the challenge.”

“That is no reason why you should not make an effort to preserve your own life.”

Project Gutenberg
The Lights and Shadows of Real Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.