The Lights and Shadows of Real Life eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 650 pages of information about The Lights and Shadows of Real Life.

The Lights and Shadows of Real Life eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 650 pages of information about The Lights and Shadows of Real Life.

In the mean time, Mary had entered one of the mills at Lowell, and was doing her work there with a brave and cheerful spirit.  Some painful trials, to one like her, attended her arrival in the city and entrance upon the duties assumed.  But daily the trials grew less, and she toiled on in the fulfilment of her contract with Mr. Green, happy under the ever present consciousness that she had saved her father’s property, and kept their homestead as the gathering place of the family.  At the end of three months, she came back and spent a week.  How her young heart bounded with joy at the great change apparent in every thing about the house and farm, but, most of all, at the change in her father.  He was not so light of word and smilingly cheerful as in former times, but he was sober, perfectly sober; and she felt that the kiss with which he welcomed her brief return, was purer than it had ever been.

On the very day Mary came back, she called over to see Mr. Green, and paid him thirty-seven dollars on account of the loan, for which he gave her a receipt.  Then he had many questions to ask about her situation at Lowell, and how she bore her separation from home, to all of which she gave cheerful answers, and, in the end, repeated her thanks for the opportunity he had given her to be of such great service to her father.

Mr. Green had a son who, during his term at college, exhibited talents of so decided a character that his father, after some deliberation, concluded to place him under the care of an eminent lawyer in Boston.  In this position he had now been for two years, and was about applying for admission to the bar.  As children, Henry Green and Mary Bacon had been to the same school together, and, as children, they were much attached to each other.  Their intercourse, as each grew older, was suspended by the absence of Henry at college, and by other circumstances that removed the two families from intimate contact, and they had ceased to think of each other except when some remembrance of the past brought up their images.

After paying Mr. Green the amount of money which she had saved from her earnings during the first three months of her factory life, Mary left his house, and was walking along the carriage way leading to the public road, when she saw a young man enter the gate and approach her.

Although it was three years since she had met Henry Green, she knew him at a glance, but he did not recognize her, although struck with something familiar in her face as he bowed to her in passing.

“Who can that be?” said he to himself, as he walked thoughtfully along.  “I have seen her before.  Can that be Mary Bacon?  If so, how much she has improved!”

On meeting his father, the young man asked if he was right in his conjecture about the young person he had just passed, and was answered in the affirmative.

“She was only a slender girl when I saw her last.  Now, she is a handsome young woman,” said Henry.

Project Gutenberg
The Lights and Shadows of Real Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.