Married Life: its shadows and sunshine eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Married Life.

Married Life: its shadows and sunshine eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Married Life.

Mr. Edmondson looked surprised.

Remarking this, Lane said quickly, “Is she not at your house?”

“No,” replied Mr. Edmondson, “she left us yesterday.  We believed that she had gone home.  My wife had a long conversation with her, in which she urged her, by every consideration, to return; and we had reason to think, when she left our house, that she went back to you.”

“Such is not the case,” said Mr. Lane, with disappointment, and something of sadness in his tone.  “I have not seen her since the morning of our unhappy difference.  Where can she have gone?”

Mr. Edmondson was silent.

“Did she say that she was going to return home?” asked Mr. Lane.

“No.  But we had reason to think that such was her intention.  Have you heard nothing from her?”

“Not a word.”

“It is strange!”

Mr. Lane heaved a deep sigh.  A few more brief questions and answers passed, and then the two men separated.  The forsaken husband went home with a sadder heart than he had yet known.  The absence of his wife and child for several days—­both objects of real affection—­and absent under such peculiar and trying circumstances, had subdued, to a great extent, his angry feelings.  He was prepared to yield much.  He would even have gone to his wife, and acknowledged that he was partly in error, in order to have brought about a reconciliation.  Something that she had said during their last, exciting interview, which he had rejected as untrue, or not causes of complaint, had represented themselves to his mind; and in the sober reflecting states that were predominant, he saw that he had not in all things treated her as an equal, nor regarded her at all times as possessing a rational freedom as independent as his own.  Though he did not excuse her conduct, he yet thought of it less angrily than at first, and was willing to yield something in order to restore the old relations.

Anxiety and alarm now took possession of his mind.  The distance between them had become wider, and the prospect of a reconciliation more remote.  Amanda had gone, he could not tell whither.  She had neither money nor friends; he knew not into what danger she might fall, nor what suffering she might encounter.  It was plain from the manner of her leaving the house of Mr. Edmondson, that her resolution to remain away from him was fixed.  He must, therefore, seek her out, and invite her to return.  He must yield if he would reconcile this sad difficulty.  And he was now willing to do so.  But, where was she?  Whither should he go in search of the wanderer?

Project Gutenberg
Married Life: its shadows and sunshine from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.