19. To the same Jan. 31.-Numerous robberies. Secession on the mutiny-bill. Hurricane in the East Indies. Bon-mot of the Chevalier Lorenzi.-52
20. To the same, Feb. 25.-Ministerial quarrels. Dispute of precedence. Bon-mot of a chair-maker. Westminster election. Extraordinary wager. Death of the Duke of Somerset. Madame Munchausen. Horrors of the slave-trade. Montesquieu’s Esprit des Loix. Grecian architecture.-53
21. To the same, March 11.-The earthquakes. Middlesex election. Story Of Marie Mignot.-58
22. To the same, April 2.-Terror occasioned by the earthquake. Death of Lady Bolingbroke. Death of Lady Dalkeith. Mr. Mason’s pedigree. Epigram on Lady Caroline Petersham, and the Lady Bingley. Madame du Boccage.-60
23. To George Montagu, Esq. May 15.-Westminster election.-65
24. To Sir Horace Mann, May 19.-Absurdities committed after the earthquake. Westminster election. Commotion in Dublin. Bower’s History of the Popes.-66
25. To George Montagu, Esq. June 23.-Character of Mr. Bentley. Account of a party of pleasure at Vauxhall.-68
26. To Sir Horace Mann, July 25.-The Houghton lantern. King Theodore of Corsica in prison for debt. Mr. Ashton. Dr. Mead.-71
27. To the same, Aug. 2.-Tuscan villas. Improvement in the seats about London. Consequences of the excessive heat of the weather. Death of Dr. Middleton, and of Tacitus Gordon. Account of M’Lean, the fashionable highwayman.-73
28. To the same, Sept. 1.-Pedigrees. Young Craggs’s epitaph. Story of old Craggs. George Selwyn’s passion for coffins and executions. Death of the Duke of Richmond. Lord Granby’s marriage. Hanoverian duel. Singular bet at White’s.-76
29. To George Montagu, Esq. Sept. 10.-Death of General Handasyde, and of Sir Gerard Vanneck. hopes conducive to happiness.-80
30. To Sir Horace Mann, Sept. 20.-Dr. Mead. Sermon against Dr. Middleton. Ecclesiastical absurdity. Project for publishing an edition of the Bible without pointings or stops. Sir Charles William’s letters. Frequency of robberies. Visit to Spence.-81
31. To the same, Oct. 18.-Treaty of commerce with Spain. M’Lean’s condemnation and execution. Rage for visiting him in Newgate.-83
32. To the same, Nov. 19.-Shattered state of the ministry. State of parties.-84
33. To the same, Dec. 19.-Interministerium. Droll cause in Westminster Hall. The Duke of Cumberland and Edward Bright. Sir Ralph Gore. Bon-mots of Quin.-86
34. To the same, Dec. 22.-Miss Chudleigh. FOntenelle. Reply of Lord Cornbury. Old Cibber’s soliciting the laureateship for Harry Jones. A very odd new story. Ashton’s ingratitude.-88
35. To Sir Horace Mann, Feb. 9.-Debates in Parliament. “Constitutional queries.” Westminster petition. Proceedings against Mr. Murray. Account of young Wortley Montagu.-91