308. To John Chute, Esq. March 13.-Fears for his health. Recommends him to leave the Vine, lest he should die of mildew.-481
309. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, March 15.-Vertue’s MSS. Hume’s History.-482
310. To Sir David Dalrymple, March 25.-House of Medici. leo the Tenth [N.].-482
311. To Sir Horace Mann, April 11.-Marriage of his niece Maria to Lord Waldegrave. Prince Ferdinand’s victory over the Austrians.-484
312. To George Montagu, Esq. April 26.-His niece’s marriage to Lord Waldegrave. Ball at Bedford House.-485
313. To Sir Horace Mann, May 10,-General Hobson. Canada. House of Medici.-487
314. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, May 14.-Vertue’s MSS. Hume and Smollett’s Histories.-488
315. To George Montagu, Esq. May 16.-His niece’s marriage. Judges’ salaries. Charles Townshend’s bon-mot.-490
316. To Sir Horace Mann, June 1.-The comet. King of Prussia’s victories. Fame.-491
317. To George Montagu, Esq. June 1.-The invasion. Mason’s “Caractacus".-492
318. To Sir Horace Mann, June 8.-493
319. To the Earl of’ Strafford, June 12.-494
320. To Sir Horace Mann, June 22.-Invasion. Militia. Quebec. Death of Lady Murray.-495
321. To George Montagu, Esq. June 23.-496
322. To Sir Horace Mann, July 8.-Rumours of invasion.-497
323. To Sir David Dalrymple, July 11.-Mary Queen of Scots. Hume’s History. Christina of Sweden [N.].-498
324.. To George Montagu, Esq. July 19.-Review of the Militia. Butler’s “Remains".-499
325. To the same, July 26.-Visit to Navestock.-500
326. To Sir Horace Mann, Aug. 1.-Invasion. Militia.-501
327. To the same, Aug. 8.-Battle of Minden.-502
328. To George Montagu, Esq. Aug. 9.-Battle of Minden.-504
329. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 9.-Battle of Minden.-505
330. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 14.-Battle of Minden. Prince Ferdinand and Lord George Sackville [N.).-506
331. To Sir Horace Mann, Aug. 29.-Minden. Illuminations. Lord George Sackville.-507
332. To the same, Sept. 13.-Death of the Princess Elizabeth. Lord George Sackville.-508
333. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 13.-Our victories.-510
334. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 13.-Lord George Sackville [N.].-511
335. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 11.-512
336. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 14.-The invasion getting out of fashion. Lord George Sackville (N.].-513
337. To Sir Horace Mann, Oct. 16.-Quebec. East India conquests.-514
338. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 18.-Quebec. Death of General Wolfe.-514
339. To Sir Horace Mann, Oct. 19.-Conquest of Quebec.-516
340. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 21.-Public rejoicings for the conquest of Quebec.-517