The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,070 pages of information about The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1.

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,070 pages of information about The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1.

145.  To the same, Aug. 6.-Marquis de la Ch`etardie dismissed by the Empress of Russia.  The Grifona.  Lord Surrey’s sonnets—­ 383

146.  To the same, Aug. 16.-Preparations for a Journey to Houghton.  Rule for conquering the passions.  Country life. king of Prussia’s address to the people of England.  A dialogue on the battle of Dettingen—­385

147.  To the same, Sept. 1.-Victory at Velletri.  Illness of the King of France.  Epigram on Bishop Berkeley’s tar-water—­387

148.  To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 6.—­388

149.  To Sir Horace Mann, Oct. 6.-Self-scolding.  Neapolitan expedition—­390

150.  To the same, Oct. 19.-Defeat of the King of Sardinia. loss of the ship Victory, with Sir John Balchen.  Death of Sarah of Marlborough, the Countess Granville, and Lord Beauchamp.  Marriage of Lord Lincoln.  French King’s dismissal of Madame de Chateauroux.  Discretion of a Scotch soldier—­391

151.  To the same, November 9.-Lord middleton’s wedding.  The Pomfrets.  Lady Granville’s At Home.  Old Marlborough’s will.  Glover’s Leonidas—­393

152.  To the same, Nov. 26.-History of Lord Granville’s resignation.  Voila le monde!  Decline of his father’s health.  Outcry against pantomimes.  Drury Lane uproar.  Bear-garden bruisers.  Walpole turned popular orator—­394

153.  To the same, Dec. 24.-Conduct of the King.  Prostitution of patriots.  List of ministerial changes.  Mr. Pitt declines office.  Opposition selling themselves for profit.  The Pretender’s son owned in France—­397


154.  To Sir Horace Mann, Jan, 4.-Complains of dearth of news.  His ink at low water mark.  Lord Sandwich’s first-rate tie-wig.  Lady Granville’s assemblies.  Marshal a prisoner at Hanover—­ 399

155.  To the same, Jan. 14.-M. de Magnan’s history.  Prince Lobkowitz.  Doings of the Granville faction.  Anecdote of Lord Baltimore.  Illness of Lord Orford.  Mrs. Stephens’s remedy.  Sir Thomas Hanmer’s Shakspeare.  Absurd alteration therein—­400

156.  To the same, Feb. 1.-Variety of politics.  Lord Granville characterized.  Progress of the coalition—­402

157.  To the same, Feb. 28.-Alarming illness of Lord Orford.  Success of the coalition. situation of the Pelhams.  Masquerade at the Venetian ambassadress’s.  Lady townshend’s ball.  Marshal Belleisle at Nottingham. matrimonials on the tapis—­404

158.  To the same, march 29.-Death of Lord Orford.  Inquiry into the miscarriage of the fleet in the action off Toulon.  Matthews and Lestock.  Instability of the ministry.  Thomson’s Tancred and Sigismunda.  Glover’s Leonidas.  The Seasons.  Alenside’s Odes.  Quarrel between the Duchesses of Queensberry and Richmond.  Rage for conundrums—­406

159.  To the same, April 15.-Reflections on his father’s death.  Compliments paid to his memory.  Mediterranean miscarriages—­ 410

160.  To the same, April 29.-Disadvantages of a distant correspondence.  Death of Mr. Francis Chute, and of poor Patapan.  Prospect of a battle in Flandders.  Marshal Saxe—­411

Project Gutenberg
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.