105. To the same, May 4.-King Theodore. Admiral Vernon’s frantic speech. Ceretesi. Low state of the Opera. Freemasonry--320
106. to the same, May 12.-Death of the Duchess of Kendal. Story of Old Sarah. Maids of honour—322
107. To the same, May 19.-Mutiny of a Highland regiment—323
108. To the same, June 4.-Marriages, deaths and promotions. Sale of Corsica—324
109. To the same, June 16.-expected battle in Flanders. Alarms for Mr. Conway. Houghton gallery. Life of Theodore—326
110. To the same, June 20.-Visit to Euston. Kent. Anecdote of Lord Easton. Lady Dorothy Boyle—328
111. To the same, June 28.-Batttle of Dettingen. Conduct of the King. Anecdotes—329
112. To the same, July 4.-Further anecdotes of the battle. Public rejoicings. Lines on the victory. Halifax’s poem of the battle of the Boyne—331
113. to the same, July 11.-another battle expected—333
114. to the same, July 19.-Conduct of General Ilton. “The Confectioner”—334
115. To the same, July 31.-the temporizing conduct of the Regency. Bon-mot of Winnington—335
116. To the same, Aug. 14.-Arrival of the Dominichini. Description. Pun of Madame de S`evign`e—336
117. To John Chute, Esq., Aug. 20.-Life at Houghton. Stupifying qualities of beef, ale, and wine. The Dominichini— [N.) 338
118. To Sir Horace Mann, Aug. 29.-Undoubted originality of the Dominichini. Mr. Pelham first lord of the treasury—340
119. To the same, Sept. 7.-The marrying Princesses. French players at Cliefden. Our faith in’politics. Story of the Duke of Buckingham. Extraordinary miracle—341
120. To the same, Sept 17.-The King and Lord Stair—343
121. To the same, Oct. 3.-Journey to town. Newmarket described. No solitude in the country. Delights of a London life. Admiral Matthews and the Pope. Story of Sir James of the Peak. Mrs. White’s brown bob. Old Sarazin at two the morning. Lord Perceval’s “Faction Detected.” Death of the duke of Argyle—344
122. To the same, oct. 12.-Conduct of Sir Horace’s father. The army in Flanders in winter quarters. Distracted state of parties. Patapaniana. Imitation of an epigram of martial—347
123. To the Same, Nov. 17.-the King’s arrival and reception. His cool behaviour to the Prince of Wales. Lord Holderness’s Dutch bride. The Prince of Denmark. the Opera—349
124. To the same, Nov. 30.-Meeting of Parliament. Strength of Opposition. Conduct of Lord Carteret. Treasury dishclouts. Debate on the Address—351
125. To the same, Dec. 15.-Debates on the Hanoverian troops. Resignation of Lord Gower. Ministerial changes. Sandys made a peer. Verses addressed to the House of Lords, on its receiving a new peer—352
126. To the same, Dec. 26.—354